
pass over

pass over造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 22:58:34

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的pass over的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条pass over的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了pass over的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The winds are hot and dry as theypass over Namibia’s coastal plain, where they are prone to stir fine sediments.(吹过纳米比亚海岸平原的信风已经变得又热又干,这使得它们很容易扬起细小的沙尘。)
  • 2、Said a straw,"I will lay myself across, and you maypass over upon me."(一根稻草说:“我会躺下,你可以从我身上过去。”)
  • 3、Then shall his mind change, and he shallpass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his god.(他以自己的势力为神,像风猛然扫过,显为有罪。)
  • 4、I cannotpass over his fault.(我不能宽恕他的过失。)
  • 5、Palm leaves were laid down like a red carpet for Jesus, riding on a donkey, topass over, and waved as fans.(他骑在毛驴上,行走在由棕榈叶铺成的、宛如红色地毯般的地上,并且频频向信徒们致意。)
  • 6、But thy servants willpass over, every man armed for war, before the Lord to battle, as my Lord saith.(但你的仆人,凡带兵器的,都要照我主所说的话,在耶和华面前过去打仗。)
  • 7、Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and let seven timespass over him.(使他的心改变,不如人心。给他一个兽心,使他经过七期期或作年。)
  • 8、If wepass over a period of seventy years we find a startlingly new development.(如果我们跨越七十年的时间,就会看到另人吃惊的新发现。)
  • 9、We mustn'tpass over his mistakes.(对他的错误不能迁就。)
  • 10、Pretend the words disappear as your eyespass over them.(假装的话消失在你的眼睛通过在他们。)
  • 11、I can'tpass over this problem unnoticed.(我不能不注意这个问题。)
  • 12、(According to the weather report, the typhoon willpass over the region) If so, the drought will be relieved.((根据天气报告称,此次台风将经过这个地区)如果是这样,旱象将得到缓和。)
  • 13、No. it'll soonpass over.(不,它马上会过去的。)
  • 14、When thingspass over, he tells me lightly.(事情过了之后才告诉我,轻描淡写。)
  • 15、Take a lamb and kill it, then put the blood of the lamb on the door of your house and I willpass over your house.(取一只小羊杀了它,在你们的门上涂上小羊的鲜血,我就越过你们而去。)
  • 16、The new freeway willpass over the lake.(新的高速公路将越过湖面。)
  • 17、Topass over or across; traverse.(越过,横渡越过或沿着…运动;经过。)
  • 18、How could youpass over such an important matter?(你怎么能忽略如此重要的事情?)
  • 19、Ipass over many other things peculiar to this island, lest I should weary you.(我略过这个岛上很多奇怪的事情,免得我让你厌烦。)
  • 20、To collide with, knock down, and oftenpass over.(碾过:与…相撞、撞倒,通常压过去。)
  • 21、Observe how theypass over fallen twigs without making the slightest noise.(观察它们是如何从掉落的树枝上走过而不发出任何声音的。)
  • 22、They chose topass over her rude remarks.(他们决定不计较她的粗鲁言辞。)
  • 23、We should notpass over this disgraceful affair in silence.(我们不应对这件可耻的事保持缄默。)
  • 24、And they went down after him, and took the fords of Jordan toward Moab, and suffered not a man topass over.(于是他们跟着他下去,把守约旦河的渡口,不容摩押一人过去。)
  • 25、The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I willpass over you.(这血要在你们所住的房屋上作记号;我一见这血,就越过你们去。)
  • 26、But if they will notpass over with you armed, they shall have possessions among you in the land of Canaan.(倘若他们不带兵器和你们一同过去,就要在迦南地你们中间得产业。)
pass over基本释义

pass over

英 [pɑ:s ˈəuvə] 美 [pæs ˈovɚ] 

越过;(任命或晋升时) 对…未加考虑;避而不谈
