- 1、The Prime Minister has been asked tojustify the decision to Parliament.(要求首相就这一决定向议会作出解释。)
- 2、Procrastinators like to find excuses tojustify their behavior.(拖延症患者喜欢找借口为自己的行为辩解。)
- 3、It is curious that Stephen Koziatek feels almost as though he has tojustify his efforts to give his students a better future.(奇怪的是,斯蒂芬·科齐亚特克觉得他似乎不得不证明自己为学生创造更美好未来的努力是有道理的。)
- 4、How can theyjustify paying such huge salaries?(他们怎能证明付这么大笔薪金是正当的呢?)
- 5、You cannotjustify such behavior.(你不能为这种行为申辩。)
- 6、No amount of rationalization couldjustify his actions.(无论怎么解释,他的行为都不能说是正当的。)
- 7、Daniels needed tojustify the high cost of attending Purdue to its students and their families.(丹尼尔斯需要向普渡大学的学生和他们的家庭证明,其高昂的学费是合理的。)
- 8、It may be in a pool too small or too far from a potential market tojustify the expense of drilling.(可能是储存它的池子太小,或与潜在的市场相距太远,因而钻井费用过高,不适宜开采。)
- 9、If everything looks promising, then it willjustify trying to build a sleep lab and study sleep across cultures that way.(如果一切看起来都很有希望,那么我们就有理由去尝试建立一个睡眠实验室,以这种方式对睡眠进行跨文化的研究。)
- 10、The board of directors pointed to falling productivity tojustify their decision.(董事会指出生产率下降一事为其决策辩护。)
- 11、These reasons are not sufficient tojustify the ban.(这些理由不足以证明实施禁令有理。)
- 12、He made a half-hearted attempt tojustify himself.(他没有尽力证明自己有理。)
- 13、He decided there was insufficient evidence tojustify criminal proceedings.(他判定没有充分的证据提起刑事诉讼。)
- 14、Thus, our newer employees are not generating enough revenue tojustify their salaries.(因此,我们的新员工没有产生足够的收入来支付他们的工资。)
- 15、Theyjustify villainy in the name of high ideals.(他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的恶行开脱。)
- 16、No argument canjustify a war.(没有任何理由能证明一个战争有理。)
- 17、A long list of reasons was trundled out tojustify their demands.(他们重复了一大串理由来说明他们的要求正当。)
- 18、The oil companies were accused of contriving a shortage of petrol tojustify price increases.(一些石油公司为了找借口提高油价而策划谎报石油短缺,因而被起诉。)
- 19、You don't need tojustify yourself to me.(你不必向我解释你的理由。)
- 20、Why does agreement to a certain procedure, even a fair procedure,justify whatever result flows from the operation of that procedure?(为什么同意一个特定程序,即使是一个公平的程序,证明该程序的运行所产生的任何结果是正当的?)
- 21、Could those experiments provide insights profound enough tojustify the expense of sending people across interplanetary space?(这些实验能提供足够深刻的见解,从而将把人送到星际空间的花费合理化吗?)
- 22、In short, Venus seems tojustify its long-held nickname of earth's twin.(简而言之,金星似乎证明了它长期以来被称为地球双生子的合理性。)
- 23、For Mr. Zhang, the environmental savings alonejustify the effort.(对张先生来说,光是环保上的节约就足以证明这份努力。)
- 24、Often, the less there is tojustify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it.(通常,一个传统习俗越是没有理由存在,就越难以摆脱。)
- 25、That's what hard-working men and women say tojustify their lavish vacations, big stereo systems or regular restaurant meals.(这就是辛勤工作的男男女女们为自己奢侈的假期、昂贵的音响系统或定期的餐馆用餐所做的辩护。) haO86.com
- 26、I give myself treats andjustify them to salve my conscience.(我治疗自己并且纠正他们以慰藉自己的良心。)
- 27、We'll alwaysjustify our actions with noble sounding theories.(我们将始终用崇高的理论思想指导我们的行动。)
- 28、It rests with management tojustify their actions.(管理部门应当为他们的行动说出个道理来。)
- 29、How can teachersjustify spending so much time on outdoors activities?(教师们该如何证明花费大量时间来进行户外活动是合理的呢?)