- 1、It was a knee-jerk reaction on her part.(这是她未加思索做出的反应。)
- 2、Such "requirements" are just bad knee-jerk design.(这种“需求”只是错误的下意识设计。)
- 3、The guy is such ajerk! He only cares about himself.(这家伙真是个蠢货!他只关心他自己。)
- 4、The knee-jerk reaction to this is to call for proper security in all hospitals.(对此类状况的第一反应是要求所有医院都采取相应的安全措施。)
- 5、He's the biggestjerk I've ever met.(他是我见过的最大的混蛋。)
- 6、We all have an innerjerk that feeds us negative thoughts about us, but we don't have to listen to its nasty comments.(我们都存在内心的混蛋,它让我们对自己产生负面的想法,但我们不必去听它的肮脏的评论。)
- 7、You bigjerk!(你这个混蛋!)
- 8、Then again, you might conclude that, yes, he is a totaljerk.(所以再后来,你可能得出结论,是的,他就是一个混蛋。)
- 9、Ben Weatherstaff's head had just dropped forward and he lifted it with ajerk.(本·威瑟斯塔夫的头刚垂下,又猛地把头抬了起来。)
- 10、If republicanism is to survive in Britain it needs to get over such knee-jerk reactions and recognize the visual cunning that is monarchy's secret weapon.(如果共和主义要在英国生存,就要克服这种下意识的反应,认识到这种表面上的狡猾是君主制的秘密武器。)
- 11、In the past, my friends called me a knee-jerk liberal.(过去,我的朋友们叫我盲目的自由派。)
- 12、The innerjerk is the anti-conscience of your thought process.(内心的混蛋是一种反道德的思考过程。)
- 13、B: So why would you invite ajerk like that anyway?(那你为什么还要邀请这样一个混蛋呀?)
- 14、There is a way to defeat the innerjerk within ourselves.(以下就是靠我们自己打败内心混蛋的方法。)
- 15、I saw you in the park with another girl last night, you bigjerk!(你个大混蛋,我昨晚上在公园看到你和另一个女孩在一起!)
- 16、jerk! Back-off your car. You are blocking the street.(笨蛋!把车卡走,你的车子把这街道都堵死了!)
- 17、He indicated the bedroom with ajerk of his head.(他用头的猝然一动示意了卧室的方向。)
- 18、I naturally started to don my "kill the technician" armor, preparing for a loud but unintelligible assault on thejerk.(我自然而然地披上“杀死技术员”的铠甲,准备向这个混蛋发起嘹亮但难以理解的攻击。)
- 19、I'm such ajerk.(我真是个混蛋。)
- 20、Why would you invite ajerk like that anyway?(你为什么还要邀请那样一个混蛋呀?)
- 21、The car gave a suddenjerk and came to a dead stop.(汽车猛然一颠,猝然停下。)
- 22、When theyjerk forward again, they can trigger a quake.(当它们进一步互相推挤向前移动时,就会引发地震。) Hao86.com
- 23、Disloyaljerk that I was, I did nothing.(我什么也没做,简直就是一个背叛朋友的混蛋。)
- 24、She sat up with ajerk.(她猛地坐了起来。)
- 25、Why are you such ajerk?!(你怎么这么傻呀?!)
- 26、This, however, would be a knee-jerk reaction to a subtle argument.(然而,这将是对微妙争论的下意识反应。)
- 27、He felt his headjerk reflexively.(他感到自己的头部突然反射性的抽动。)
- 28、When someone in another car cuts you off on the highway, your reflexive thought may be, Thatjerk! He could have hit me! I can't let him get away with that! The more you stew, the angrier you get.(当另一辆车在高速公路上截你的路时,你的本能反应可能是:那个混蛋!他差点撞到我!我不能让他得逞!你想得越多,就越生气。)
- 29、Thisjerk meant that kites could lift huge weights, Gharib realised.(加里布意识到,这一下抽动意味着风筝可以提起巨大的重量。)
- 30、If they see you as ajerk, your brand is doomed.(如果他们认为你是个混蛋,你的品牌就完蛋了。)