好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的resort to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条resort to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了resort to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、But if all that goodwill stuff fails, Huawei willresort to persistence.(但是如果华为的商誉失败了,华为将会离开。)
- 2、To fill the graveyard shift, hospitals sometimesresort to the draft.(装满墓地,医院有时候会把征兵制度作为最后手段。)
- 3、Sadly people tend toresort to medicine once they don't feel well.(可悲的是,人们一旦感觉到自己不舒服时,就会诉诸药物。)
- 4、Why do they always have toresort to violence ?(为什么他们总是非要诉诸暴力不可呢?)
- 5、The best means we shouldresort to is to build a long dam along the river.(我们应当采取的最好措施是沿河筑起一道长长的坝。)
- 6、They felt obliged toresort to violence.(他们觉得有必要诉诸暴力。)
- 7、To save face, they may evenresort to lying.(为了挽回面子,他们甚至可能会采取撒谎的手段。)
- 8、Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted beforeresort to war.(国会有责任确保在所有和平的手段用尽之后再诉诸武力。)
- 9、So we have toresort to triggers as in Listing 8.(所以我们必须像清单8那样借助于触发器。)
- 10、But this network is not yet fully functioning—hence theresort to air-drops.(但这些措施并没有完全起作用,因此采取了空投的办法。)
- 11、They justresort to having lots of children and stealing to survive.(很多家庭都是生很多的孩子并靠偷窃为生。)
- 12、He had toresort to threats of court action to get repayment.(他不得不用诉讼相威胁以求获得偿还。)
- 13、Some peopleresort to spitting drinks into napkins or tea cups.(有的人则采用把酒吐到餐巾上或茶杯里的小伎俩。)
- 14、It's pathetic that grown men have toresort to violence like this.(成年人还得这样诉诸暴力,真可悲。)
- 15、You cannotresort to trial and error.(你没法用反复尝试的办法了。)
- 16、It's my position that gentlemen should reason thing out rather thanresort to force.(我主张君子动口不动手。)
- 17、In the era of e-commerce, companies and enterprises canresort to the Internet for more business opportunities.(在电子商务时代,公司与企业能诉诸网络以寻求更多的商业机会。)
- 18、When all else fails, some womenresort to lying in bed to bring relief.(当所有手段都失败后,,一些女性只得卧床缓解疼痛。)
- 19、His punishing work schedule had made himresort to drugs.(他那累人的工作日程已经使他不得不求助于毒品了。)
- 20、What is still not fully understood, however, is why some treesresort to producing red pigments while others don't bother, and simply reveal their orange or yellow hues.(然而,至今仍不完全清楚,为什么有些树木倾向于制造红色素,而有些树木不去刻意制造色素,但还是会呈现出橙色或黄色。)
- 21、I had finally toresort to the gentle language of the whip in order to bring him to my will.(为了使他顺从我的意愿,我最后不得不求助于鞭子的温和语言。)
- 22、However, to debug, X86 assembly users need toresort to GDB.(尽管如此,为了调试X86汇编,用户需要依靠GDB。)
- 23、We may have toresort to using untrained staff.(我们也许只能使用未受过训练的员工了。)
- 24、He claimed his punishing work schedule had made himresort to taking the drug.(他声称,繁重的工作日程使他不得不服用药物。)
- 25、There are hopes that the conflict can be resolved withoutresort to violence.(冲突有望不需要诉诸武力而得到解决。)
- 26、Here we canresort to the various agile software development methods.(在这里,我们可以求助于各种敏捷软件开发方法。)
- 27、As he had a weak case and could not defend himself, he had toresort to sophistry.(他理屈词穷,只好求助于诡辩。)
- 28、It was time, she thought, toresort to a little poetic licence.(她想,该是采取点破格手段的时候了。) 【好工具hao86.com】