


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:39:09

  • 1、If Campbell returns to Arsenal, he wants theimpart the knowledge of those past glories to the present squad.(如果坎贝尔回到阿森纳,那么他想向现在的队伍传授过去那些获得荣誉的经验。)
  • 2、And first, I'd like toimpart my forte skill to you!(首先,我想传授你们我的一项拿手绝活。)
  • 3、Hitting a dust mote-sized particle wouldimpart the same kinetic energy as slamming head on into a speeding freight train.(与尘埃级别的颗粒相撞,都可能得到与高速货车迎面相撞的能量。)
  • 4、impart urgency and convenience: in most instances, the sole objective of the cold call is to get an appointment.(告知急迫性和便利性:大部分情况下,冷不防打电话的唯一目的就是预约见面。)
  • 5、She managed toimpart great elegance to the unpretentious dress she was wearing.(她努力为自己朴素的衣着增添几分优雅。)
  • 6、WITH their crowds, delays and "retail opportunities", airportsimpart feelings that range from irritation to despair.(人潮拥挤,班机延误,以及“零售商机”,机场带给人一种从愤怒乃至绝望的气息。)
  • 7、But when they came there because of you and they expect to learn from you, you mustimpart that vision to them.(但当他们因为你而来这儿,并希望从你身上学到东西时,你必须把你的设想传达给他们。)
  • 8、Primary and secondary school willimpart to you only some rudiments of knowledge.(由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。)
  • 9、As role models, they not onlyimpart academic knowledge but also inculcate into the children important social education.(作为榜样,他们不仅传授学术知识,而且向孩子们灌输重要的社会教育知识。)
  • 10、Forcing a child to behave morally may prevent her from internalizing the lesson you're trying toimpart.(强迫孩子按道德行事可能会妨碍她将你试图传授的教训内化。)
  • 11、The ability toimpart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers.(传授知识并博得尊敬的能力对老师们来说是基本的条件。)
  • 12、In the curious custom of this venerable institution, I find myself standing before you expected toimpart words of lasting wisdom.(在这所久负盛名的大学的别具一格的仪式上,我站在了你们的面前,被期待着给予一些蕴含着恒久智慧的言论。)
  • 13、But it's also worth asking what know-how Zuckerberg mightimpart to Li.(但扎克伯格会透露些什么给李,这也是值得一问的。)
  • 14、Now, as a parent, I try toimpart that same wisdom to my own two girls.(现在,作为父母,我试着将同样的睿智传授给我的两个女儿。)
  • 15、For an academic subject to justify its existence, it mustimpart some useful understanding to its students.(要想证明一个学术科目的存在,它必须让学习者对它有实用的理解。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 16、To my poor boy, left doubly desolate, I have never been able toimpart a sense of my presence.(而我可怜的孩子留在那里,疑惑而哀伤。我从来没有让我的存在被人感知。)
  • 17、I willimpart to you a love of classical music.(我会传递给你们对古典音乐的热爱。)
  • 18、He seemed perked up by this all-too-rare chance toimpart some more wisdom to a grandchild.(他似乎被这次能向孙子灌输智慧的罕见机会振醒了。)
  • 19、You need to have specialist teachers whoimpart what they know.(你需要有专业的老师来传授他们所知道的知识。)
  • 20、He bent down toimpart it, but checked himself, and assumed a listening attitude.(他弯下身子,想把话讲出来,但忍住了,作出一副倾听的样子。)
  • 21、impart knowledge more effectively?(可以更加有效地传授知识吗?)
  • 22、There is a lesson in this for Greece, but not the one euro-zone leaders wish toimpart.(这其中有希腊可以借鉴的经验,但并非欧元区领导希望宣扬的。)


英 [ɪmˈpɑ:t] 美 [ɪmˈpɑ:rt] 

过去式: imparted 过去分词: imparted 现在分词: imparting 第三人称单数: imparts

