- 1、"Don'tpreach at me," he shouted.(“不要对我说教,”他喊道。)
- 2、And I, brethren, if I yetpreach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution?(弟兄们,我若仍旧传割礼,为什么还受逼迫呢。)
- 3、A reality check, do we practice what wepreach?(事实检验,我们实践了我们所鼓吹的吗?)
- 4、Where can someone find the time to practice what youpreach?(在哪,人们能够找到时间来练习你所说的呢?)
- 5、Who were the first people topreach to Gentiles?(是谁第一个向外邦人传道的?)
- 6、Another is the admonition not to throw your pearls before swine, not topreach to those who can't hear, or won't be perceptive.(另一个是告诫不要对牛弹琴,不要对那些听不见或不可感化者说教。)
- 7、preach by practice.(用实践来证明。)
- 8、I'm sorry, I didn't mean topreach.(很抱歉,我并没有说教的意思。)
- 9、PHILADELPHIA - Madonna, don'tpreach.(费城---麦当娜,不要布道。)
- 10、When the pastor began topreach, his words were a loud thanksgiving that moved all his hearers.(当牧师开始布道时,他的话语是响亮的感恩之声,感动了所有的听众。)
- 11、I do notpreach and I do not judge.(我不会说教也不做评判。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 12、He actually embodied the lessons he taught me. He didn't justpreach them.(他真实呈现了他教给我的经验,并不只是说教。)
- 13、Many organizationspreach teamwork.(很多组织宣扬团队合作。)
- 14、Hippiespreach altruism and mysticism, honesty, joy and nonviolence.(嬉皮士宣扬利他主义和神秘主义,诚实、喜悦与非暴力。)
- 15、Copenhageners don't simplypreach the "progressive city" ethos, they live it.(哥本哈根并不只是简单的宣传“进步城市”的思想口号,它真正做到了。)
- 16、Is he going to go out to the Greeks andpreach to the Greeks?(他是要去希腊人那儿,给希腊人讲道吗?)
- 17、It was just that sitting in class and hearing all the patriotspreach how we should go over and do the beast in.(那时我坐在教室里,听着所有的爱国者在宣讲我们应该时刻牢记要杀死这个畜生。)
- 18、But do not nag, scold, threaten orpreach, because these do not work!(但记得不要唠叨,责骂,威胁或者说教,因为这些根本不管用!)
- 19、As you go,preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.(随走随传,说,天国近了。)
- 20、And no, I'm not trying topreach to the masses.(不,不,不,我现在并不是在布道、说教。)
- 21、L17: Practice what youpreach.(贴示17:实践你所宣传的东西。)
- 22、I find that it’s easier to talk and teach than to practice what Ipreach.(我也发现比起实践我想要传授的这些观念,只是谈一谈,教一教的话要容易得多。)
- 23、Do not nag, scold, threaten orpreach, because these do not work!(记得不要唠叨、责骂、威胁或者说教,因为这些根本不管用!)
- 24、He began topreach that word.(他开始传扬那道。)
- 25、He said he was trying topreach peace and tolerance to his people.(他说他正试图向他的人民宣扬和平与宽容。)