- 1、Another type ofmomentum we have to think about when planning for changes in our energy systems is labor-poolmomentum.(我们计划改变能源系统时必须考虑的另一种动力是劳动力池动力。)
- 2、By far, the biggest type ofmomentum that comes into play when it comes to changing our energy system is economicmomentum.(到目前为止,改变我们能源系统的最大动力类型是经济动力。)
- 3、In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems: inertia andmomentum.(在物理学中,运动的物体有两个特征与理解能量系统动力学相关:惯性和动量。)
- 4、You can call that ancestor-worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishingmomentum of thought and principle.(如果你愿意,可以称之为祖先崇拜,但是它给了这份报纸一种惊人的思想和原则动力。)
- 5、They began to losemomentum in the second half of the game.(在比赛的下半场,他们的势头就逐渐减弱。)
- 6、One kind ofmomentum is technologicalmomentum.(有一种动力是技术动力。)
- 7、The world art market had already been losingmomentum for a while after rising bewilderingly since 2003.(自2003年以来,世界艺术品市场在经历了令人困惑的上涨之后,已经丧失了其增长势头有一段时间。)
- 8、An interacting—and complicating—phenomenon is wind-to-water transfer ofmomentum that occurs when waves are formed.(一种相互作用且复杂的现象是波浪形成时发生的风向水的动量传递。)
- 9、Themomentum of incandescent lighting does not stop there.(白炽灯的发展势头并未就此止步。)
- 10、momentum is said to be "conserved", that is, once you build it up, it has to go somewhere.(动量被称为“守恒”,也就是说,一旦你把它建立起来,它就得去某个地方。)
- 11、We still feel the effects today: Themomentum unloosed in 1909 led to the Lincoln Memorial, opened in 1922, and the Lincoln Highway, the first paved transcontinental thoroughfare.(时至今日,我们仍能感受到当年的影响:1909年的发展势头催生了林肯纪念堂,于1922年开放,以及第一条横贯大陆的林肯高速公路。)
- 12、The vehicle gainedmomentum as the road dipped.(那辆车顺着坡越跑冲力越大。)
- 13、This campaign is really gainingmomentum.(这场运动确实势头正猛。)
- 14、Once you have started the boulder rolling, it developsmomentum, which is defined by its mass and velocity.(一旦你开始滚动巨石,它就产生动量,动量由它的质量和速度决定。)
- 15、The fight for his release gathersmomentum each day.(争取使他获释的斗争声势日益加强。)
- 16、The labor movement gathered somemomentum in the decade before the Panic of 1837, but in the depression that followed, labor's strength collapsed.(在1837年大恐慌前的10年里,劳工运动积累了一些势头,但在随后的大萧条中,劳工的力量崩溃了。)
- 17、For example, no matter how much a dancer wishes to leap off the floor and then start turning, the law of conservation of angularmomentum absolutely prevents such a movement.(例如,无论一个舞者多么想要跳离地板,然后开始旋转,角动量守恒定律绝对阻止这样的动作。)
- 18、The move to renewables is picking upmomentum around the world: they now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.(世界各地向可再生能源转移的势头正在加快:目前,可再生能源在已上线新能源中已经占到了一半以上。)
- 19、It is a movement building steadymomentum: a call to make research data, software code and experimental methods publicly available and transparent.(这是一场建立稳定势头的运动:呼吁让研究数据、软件代码和实验方法公开和透明。)
- 20、The spinning top was losingmomentum.(旋转的陀螺正在失去动量。)
- 21、The disk exerts its own gravitational tug, and this interplay of forces robs the planet ofmomentum in its orbital path, forcing it to spiral in toward the star.(圆盘产生自己的引力拖曳,这种相互作用的力夺走了行星在其轨道上的动量,迫使它盘旋向恒星的方向。)
- 22、But there are other kinds ofmomentum as well.(但也有其他类型的动力。)
- 23、Going into election day, I still thought Al would win because he had themomentum and he was right on the issues.(在大选的当天,我仍然认为艾尔会赢,因为他有好的势头,并且在争议性问题上的主张都是正确的。)
- 24、A heavy object, like a football player moving at a high speed, has a lot ofmomentum—that is, once he is moving, it is hard to change his state of motion.(一个重的物体有很多动量,比如一位高速移动的足球运动员——也就是说,一旦他移动了,就很难改变他的运动状态。)
- 25、Demands for his dismissal have gatheredmomentum in recent weeks.(要求把他免职的呼声最近几周越来越高。)
- 26、I shove forward one more time and, incredibly, the slab comes loose, and I tumble forward over it, caught in my ownmomentum.(我又向前猛推了一下,不可思议的是,石板松了,我因自己的冲力而向前跌倒在石板上。)
- 27、During the 1980s the green movement gatheredmomentum.(20世纪80年代绿色运动的势头开始增强。)
- 28、Whether it's a sports team or a presidential campaign, everybody relishes having the bigmomentum, because it makes them harder to stop or change direction.(无论在运动队还是在总统竞选中,每个人都喜欢拥有巨大的动力,因为这让他们更难停下来或改变方向。)
- 29、After all, we don't speak only of objects or people as havingmomentum; we speak of entire systems havingmomentum.(毕竟,我们不只是说物体或人有动量;我们说的是整个系统都有动量。)
- 30、The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the "irresistiblemomentum of individualism" over the last century.(一位法国社会学家注意到,从家庭生活到独居生活的转变是上个世纪“势不可挡的个人主义”的一部分。)