


更新时间:2024-12-22 23:03:41

  • 1、The persuasion of the speaker wasineffectual.(这位演说者的说服是无效的。)
  • 2、Dissertations that sound choppy or stuttered are for the most partineffectual and will most likely fail to impress.(论文的声音断断续续或结结巴巴的大部分是无效的,并很可能将无法留下深刻的印象。)
  • 3、From a practical standpoint, chindogus are (almost) completelyineffectual.(从实用角度来说,珍道具几乎完全没什么用。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 4、Less out of pride than out of awareness of ourineffectual condition.(这不是出于高傲之气,而是由于我们意识到了自己无力的境遇。)
  • 5、The minister had been widely criticized for hisineffectual management of the economic crisis.(因经济危机中未能实行有效管理,格罗斯广受批评。)
  • 6、Rather than giving up on anineffectual boss, focus on what you can do to fill in the holes.(与其逃避一个无能的上司,不如重点看看你可以做什么来取代他。)
  • 7、Equal pay laws areineffectual when women and men are concentrated in different occupations because such laws require only that women and men doing the same jobs be paid the same.(当女性和男性集中在不同的职业时,同工同酬法就不起作用了,因为这样的法律只要求做同样工作的女性和男性得到同样的报酬。)
  • 8、The searchlights wereineffectual in the fog.(探照灯在雾中不起作用。)
  • 9、It's... it's your tinyineffectual fists. And your hair.(这是…这是你的小小无力的拳头和你的头发。)
  • 10、That line of reasoning is weak... and completelyineffectual.(那种论证太无力了……而且完全无法成立。)
  • 11、Geremi.ineffectual again. Surely he will move on in the summer.(格雷米。又一次表现得无能为力。他肯定会在夏天离开。)
  • 12、It would presumably rattle markets, while making him lookineffectual.(这会给市场负面信号,让他成为一个无能者。)
  • 13、Programs based solely on cost have provenineffectual or even counter-productive.(仅基于成本的项目已被证明无效甚至起反作用。)
  • 14、All rescue measures provedineffectual.(抢救无效。)
  • 15、In his view, the commission remains a toothless andineffectual body.(在他看来,委员会仍然是个没有权威而且缺乏效率的机构。)
  • 16、Through innumerable delicate touches in the writing they emerge: pleasant, humorous, ordinary, andineffectual.(通过精细的刻画,这些人物以亲切、幽默、普通和平凡的形象展现在观众面前。)
  • 17、But the McCain site isineffectual for social networking.(但麦凯恩网站在社交网络方面却无效。)
  • 18、He is a well-meaning butineffectual leader.(他是位有善意却没有效率的领导。)
  • 19、None has much improved its overstretched,ineffectual police force.(他们无一改善其捉襟见肘、无效的警力。)
  • 20、Such examples ofineffectual commitments on the part of the food industry abound.(这种让食品厂商给出允诺最后却不见成效的例子比比皆是。)
  • 21、Pre-1987 law made anineffectual effort to grapple with the problem in section 208.(1987年以前的法律就竭力解决第208条中的问题,但效果不明显。)
  • 22、Throwing more money at them isineffectual.(就算砸再多的钱也很难起作用。)
  • 23、The Bradley effect will have provedineffectual, and the unquiet ghost of Tom Bradley will finally be laid to rest.(布莱德利效应也会被证明是无效的,并且汤姆·布莱德利不安的灵魂能终将得到安息了。)


英 [ˌɪnɪˈfektʃuəl] 美 [ˌɪnɪˈfɛktʃuəl] 

副词: ineffectually 名词: ineffectuality

