


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:46:35

  • 1、Can Ientrust you with the secret plans?(我能把这些秘密计划委托给你吗?)
  • 2、You canentrust us with the soled agency for your shirt in our country.(你们可以委托我司作为贵司衬衫在我国的独家代理商。)
  • 3、Because of that, it's not only foolish, but even irresponsible, toentrust the protection of your hard work to someone else in totality.(因此,如果将保护您的工作成果的职责完全交付给其他人,那么这样做不仅愚蠢而且是不负责任的。)
  • 4、Google's business model assumes that people willentrust it with ever more information about their lives, to be stored in the company's "cloud" of remote computers.(谷歌的商业模式假设,人们将委托它处理更多关于他们生活的信息,这些信息将被存储在公司远程计算机的“云”中。)
  • 5、Do not install a future release andentrust your most valuable files to it; it's made to be broken.(千万别在安装了将来发行版后把你非常重要的文件托付给它;将来发行版就是为了制造问题、发现问题然后解决问题而生的。)
  • 6、I needed them to know why I was reaching out, why I admire them, and that is something I couldn't possiblyentrust to anyone else.(我需要他们去了解我为什么去联系他们,我为什么赞扬他们,而这就是我不可能委托其他人去做的事。)
  • 7、You should be aware of few things before youentrust the security of your documents and applications to the XKMS service.(您还应该了解一些事情,然后才可以把文档和应用程序的安全性托付给XKMS服务。)
  • 8、Either you come in person, or youentrust someone with the matter.(你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事。)
  • 9、They persuade customers toentrust them with their credit cards-as both Amazon and Apple have done.(他们说服顾客们委托他们的信用卡来办事——正如亚马逊和苹果都这么做了。)
  • 10、Cheer the good stuff andentrust the rest to God.(为丈夫优秀的方面喝彩,并把其它的一切交给神。)
  • 11、Rather thanentrust the money supply to a guru or a professor, money is limited by the quantity of bullion.(货币是根据黄金数量挂钩的而不是委托的货币供应量主管或教授制定的。)
  • 12、If your loving mom has bouts of negligence, don'tentrust her with your twin toddlers.(如果你的慈爱的妈妈会出现失职,不要把你的双胞胎宝宝托付给她。)
  • 13、You had better sit down in there, andentrust your message to me.(你最好先坐在那边,把你的使命告诉我。)
  • 14、Money-market funds and Banks are deeply suspicious about whom they canentrust their money to.(货币市场基金和银行深刻怀疑他们的钱可以委托给谁。)
  • 15、May alsoentrust the registration agency to handle.(也可委托登记注册代理机构办理。)
  • 16、entrust his drawing to the care to us.(把他的画委托给我们照顾。)
  • 17、Further, you simply may not want toentrust the entirety of the command line to an occasional or inexperienced user.(此外,您可能不希望将全部命令行寄托给临时或无经验的用户。)
  • 18、He found that participants were more likely toentrust money to men with narrower faces.(他发现参与者更愿意相信脸小的人。)
  • 19、Toentrust to another, usually for a specified reason.(委托另一个人,通常是为了一个具体的理由。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、We are decided toentrust you with the sole agency for cars.(我们决定委托你作为我们汽车的独家代理。)
  • 21、Article 29 Each party or legal representative mayentrust one or two persons to represent him in litigation.(第二十九条当事人、法定代理人,可以委托一至二人代为诉讼。)


英 [ɪnˈtrʌst] 美 [ɪnˈtrʌst] 

异体字: intrust 过去式: entrusted 过去分词: entrusted 现在分词: entrusting 第三人称单数: entrusts

