


更新时间:2024-12-15 23:13:12

  • 1、It is easily the mosthabitable season of the year.(因为秋天无疑是一年中最惬意的季节。)
  • 2、Related: "First Trulyhabitable Planet Discovered, Experts Say."(相关资料:《专家说,发现了第一个真正的宜居星球》。)
  • 3、At the right distance, they would be in a newly expandedhabitable zone around the swelled-up star.(在恰当的距离处,他们将处于鼓胀起来的星星周围的体积变大的可居住的地带。)
  • 4、By last September, 92% of houses that been damaged had been madehabitable again.(截止去年9月,92%的受损房屋已修缮完毕,可再次入住。)
  • 5、First, a climate conducive to life on Earth depends upon the extraordinarily narrow orbital parameters that define a continuouslyhabitable zone where water can exist in a liquid state.(首先,地球上适宜生命存在的气候取决于极其狭窄的轨道参数,这些参数定义了一个持续可居住的地带,在那里水可以以液态存在。)
  • 6、On the whole, none of these circumstances would make forhabitable conditions.(总而言之,这里的任何一种情况都不能保证一个稳定的条件。) (好工具
  • 7、Forhabitable planets orbiting brighter, hotter stars, the search will take longer.(对于寻找适合居住的绕着更亮,更热的恒星转的行星,将会搜寻更长时间。)
  • 8、The house should behabitable by the new year.(房子到新年时应该就可以住进去了。)
  • 9、Evidence also suggests that Mars may have been even morehabitable in the past.(有证据表明,火星过去的环境也许更适宜生命存在。)
  • 10、About $70,000 buys ahabitable house.(大约七万美元才买得到一栋适合居住的房子。)
  • 11、habitable Planet Found?(发现了适合居住的星球?)
  • 12、Because if you found one in thehabitable zone, would that mean it had life?(如果你在适合居住地带发现了一颗行星,就能说明这里有生命吗?)
  • 13、Making the househabitable was a major undertaking.(把这房子收拾得可以住人是个大工程。)
  • 14、By last September, some 92% of the damaged houses had been madehabitable again.(到去年9月,92%的受损房屋已经重新恢复使用。)
  • 15、We are finding Earth-size planets. Not in thehabitable zone.(我们正在搜索不在适居带的地球般大小的行星。)
  • 16、Alien scientists would have cataloged all of them as potentiallyhabitable.(外星科学家在那时就可能因为他们可居住而把他们全部分类。)
  • 17、It's definitely not a gas giant like Jupiter. Nor is ithabitable—it's too hot.(它肯定不是像木星一样的巨型气体行星,也不适宜人类居住——那太热了。)
  • 18、Others claimed that many of the so-called 'habitable' worlds would be shrouded in clouds of freezing gas.(另外一些人说那些所谓的适合居住的世界其实是隐藏在云中结冰的气体中的。)
  • 19、The results suggest that the current definition of "habitable zone" may be too simplistic.(研究结果表明,当前对于“可居住区”的定义可能过于简单化。)
  • 20、We find more Earths, we find more in thehabitable zone.(我们会发现更多的“地球”,我们会在适合居住的地带找到更多行星。)
  • 21、We are looking for planets and finding a few big planets in thehabitable zone.(我们也正在寻找并试图找到适居带内的一些大行星。)
  • 22、Even for a red dwarf star, this is probably too close to behabitable.(即便是对于红矮星而言,这可能也太近了,生命无法居住。)
  • 23、Not to say their end products are not useful orhabitable.(这并不是说他们最后完成的建筑是无用或无法居住的。)
  • 24、What Makes Earthhabitable?(什么使地球适于人类居住?)
  • 25、The “firsthabitable exoplanet” already has a checkered history.(这“第一颗可居住的太阳系外行星”的发现史可谓一波三折。)
  • 26、This newest planet, No. 5, resides in thehabitable zone, about 0.8 Earth-sun distances from its star.(最新发现的这颗5号恒星,位于可居住区内,距离它的恒星距离为地-日距离的0.8倍。)
  • 27、Thehabitable zones of the cosmos are vast, it seems, and they may be teeming with life.(宇宙中的宜居地带似乎非常辽阔,宇宙中可能充满了生命。)
  • 28、The species is the most widely distributed of all beasts of prey, infesting allhabitable parts of the globe.(在所有猛兽中,这个物种的分布最广——它们出没于全世界一切可以居住的地方。)
  • 29、The firsthabitable exoplanet?(人类发现了第一个宜居外星球?)
  • 30、None of the planets Gregory's analysis turned up are in thehabitable zone.(格列格雷的分析显示可居住区内没有星球。)


英 [ˈhæbɪtəbl] 美 [ˈhæbɪtəbəl] 

副词: habitably 名词: habitability

