


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:37:29

  • 1、We had toscrimp and save to pay the bills.(我们得省吃俭用来付帐。)
  • 2、Theyscrimp on oil as much as they can during the energy crisis .(他们在能源危机时期尽量节省汽油。)
  • 3、Around the world, parentsscrimp and save to send their kids to school and compete with one another to get into the best schools.(为了孩子上学,与其他孩子竞争上到更好的学校,全世界的父母勒紧了裤腰带。)
  • 4、I had toscrimp and save to pay for my holiday.(我必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。)
  • 5、We have toscrimp and save if we want to buy a decent house in that area.(要想在那个地区买幢像样的房子,我们就必须省吃俭用。)
  • 6、She had toscrimp and save to pay FOR her holiday.(她必须节省开支以付度假时的费用。)
  • 7、They had toscrimp and save to send their son to college.(为了送儿子上大学,他们不得不省吃俭用,拼命钱。)
  • 8、So don'tscrimp on smooching your girl different ways to ramp up the sensitive factor.(因此不要吝啬亲吻你的女朋友,尝试用不同的方式来刺激感官。)
  • 9、Buyers no longer had toscrimp and save to get what they wanted; they could have it now.(买主无需为得到他们想要的东西而节衣缩食攒钱,他们现在就可以拥有。)
  • 10、At a press conference last month, Mr. Toyoda said the previous expansion push may have caused it toscrimp on quality, compromising its just-in-time production system, for example.(在上个月的一个新闻发布会上,丰田章男说之前的扩展推进可能导致了质量下滑,例如危害它实时的产品系统。)
  • 11、We'llscrimp and save.(那我们就节衣缩食吧。)
  • 12、Don't try toscrimp here - have the boat pulled out even if it costs you.(可别在这里省钱——即使需要另加费用,也要把船提出水面。)
  • 13、John was making more money, but I continued toscrimp and save.(约翰挣钱比以前多了,可是我继续节省开支攒钱。)
  • 14、Despite bitter complaints about soaring prices, workers say they canscrimp enough to save at least a chunk of their wages.(尽管飞涨的物价让打工者叫苦不迭,但他们说如果精打细算一些,还是可以存下部分工资的。)
  • 15、Firms are quick to scale back capital spending and consumers skip new cars rather thanscrimp on food or healthcare.(公司迅速缩减资本支出,而消费者会放弃购买新车而非在食物或医疗健康方面减少开支。)
  • 16、You shouldn'tscrimp on the price you pay for your helmet just because it's cheap.(你不应该节衣缩食的价格为您的头盔工资只是因为它便宜。)
  • 17、British librariesscrimp, save and appeal to lottery and charitable funds to buy collections, but cataloguing, the next stage, is also pricey, so some archives are inaccessible for years.(英国图书馆节俭、节省、恳求一份抽奖式的奖金和慈善基金去购买作品集,但是下一阶段的分类也是十分昂贵的。所以几年来一些档案是没有必要的。)
  • 18、The generation that lived through the Great Depression learned toscrimp and save.(经历过大萧条的一代学会了节俭和储蓄。)
  • 19、It just blows my mind that some of these very same people are willing toscrimp on their food budget to the extent that it actually scares me.(但是我却被打动了,那些和他们一样的人却更乐于节衣缩食,从某种角度来说这的确让我感到敬畏。)
  • 20、And if the company makes up the deficit, as many do, what incentive is there toscrimp, he asks?(而如果公司构成赤字,那么有什么动机去节省呢?他像许多人那样问。) (好工具
  • 21、Only a small proportion (11% of younger households) have a mortgage, and those that doscrimp and save to try to pay it off in five years.(只有很小一部分人(11%的较年轻家庭)有抵押贷款,并且这些人精打细算地存钱为了能在5年内还清贷款。)
  • 22、Hard drive: Dontscrimp on storage space, unless you are absolutely certain you wont be saving many photos, songs or videos.(让我们再看看硬盘:别对存储空间那么吝啬,除非你很确定不会存许多照片、歌曲或是视频图像。)
  • 23、She have toscrimp and save to pay for her holiday.(她必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。)


英 [skrɪmp] 美 [skrɪmp] 

形容词: scrimpy 名词: scrimper 过去式: scrimped 过去分词: scrimped 现在分词: scrimping 第三人称单数: scrimps

