


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:37:42

  • 1、Conclusion: the pit andfissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth.(结论:窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。)
  • 2、Of or relating to a point of entrance to an organ especially the transversefissure of the liver through which the blood vessels enter.(肝门的一器官入口处的,尤指肝脏的横肌裂沟,血管从此裂沟进入肝脏。)
  • 3、The double-life I'd be leading was shattered, a permanentfissure finally ripped through.(我过的双重生活被打破,永久性的裂痕终于撕裂开了。)
  • 4、Though we all got out to examine thefissure , he remained in the car.(尽管所有的人都下车去查看那条裂缝的状况,他仍留在车上。)
  • 5、A Finnish fisher named fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a bigfissure in his fishing net.(一个名叫费希尔的芬兰渔民在一个星期五的下战书未能捕捉到任何鱼,结果他民现他的渔网上有一个大裂口。)
  • 6、The image of the inferior obliquefissure can be showed by the CT scan.(CT扫描可显示下斜裂的图像。)
  • 7、The New York of Newland Archer's day was a small and slippery pyramid, in which, as yet, hardly afissure had been made or a foothold gained.(在纽兰·阿切尔那个时代,纽约的上流社会还是个滑溜溜的小金字塔,人们很难在上面开凿裂缝,找到立足点。)
  • 8、Thefissure soon opened into a dark tunnel that Harry could tell would be filled with water at high tide.(很快,裂缝变成了一条漆黑的暗道,哈利看得出来,涨潮的时候暗道肯定会被海水灌满。)
  • 9、Recently this has included methane odors in San Diego, a hugefissure in Arizona, and yet another Mississippi bridge needing repair.(最近这包括圣地亚哥的甲烷气味,亚利桑那的巨大裂缝,还有密西西比河上另一座桥需要修理。)
  • 10、Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. Now they're fishing in thefissure for Fisher.(有一条露齿笑的鱼,把渔夫拉进来,现在它们在裂缝里帮费希尔钓鱼。)
  • 11、UDEC simulation results show that the porosity of overburden rockfissure field in goaf and its curve is saddle-shaped.(UDEC模拟结果表明,采空区覆岩裂隙区域孔隙率曲线呈鞍状分布。)
  • 12、Only Tom and Lucy remained, still standing guard by the rift. Their SPI armor picked up and mimicked the gold sunlight in thefissure.(只剩下汤姆和露西了,还在守卫着裂缝。他们的SPI盔甲感应到缝隙里的金色阳光在模仿着。)
  • 13、The cave narrowed after a while, but we were able to continue through a narrow gap by crawling into a water-filledfissure in the rock.(爬了不久,山洞变得越来越窄,爬过一条满是水的岩石裂缝,穿过狭窄的山口,我们得以继续前行。)
  • 14、A Finnish fisher named fisher failed to fish any fish and finally he found out a bigfissure in his fishing-net.(一位芬兰的钓鱼者没有钓到任何的鱼最后发现他的鱼网上有一个大裂缝。)
  • 15、A good cast offissure can isolate an opponent and cut off their escape. Practice often to achieve devastating results.(一个好的沟壑可以孤立你的敌人,切断他们的退路。多练习就能达到这种分隔的效果。)
  • 16、This paper analyses the causes for rust andfissure of cranes and puts forward some countermeasures.(分析了一起起重机因锈蚀而产生裂纹的起因,提出了有针对性的解决措施。)
  • 17、A 25-kilometre-longfissure erupted 12 km3 of lava over the course of seven months.(25km长的裂缝在7个月内喷发了12km3的熔岩。)
  • 18、But the new tower was found to contain afissure, discovered in 1939, which is very slowly spreading.(但在1939年钟楼就被发现存在裂缝,并以缓慢的速度蔓延开来。)
  • 19、The politeness cracks as does the earth with the force that he now pitches the spade, prising apart the darker soil into a deepfissure.(原先那份客气就像他铁锹之下的泥土一样碎裂了。底下的土颜色更黑一些,他拿铁锹狠扎,扎出了一道深深的裂口。)


英 [ˈfɪʃə(r)] 美 [ˈfɪʃɚ] 

过去式: fissured 过去分词: fissured 现在分词: fissuring 第三人称单数: fissures


