


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:37:09

  • 1、Thevehemence of my agitation brought on a copious bleeding at the nose, and still Heathcliff laughed, and still I scolded.(我强烈的愤怒引起了鼻子的大量出血,希斯克利夫依旧大笑,我依旧咒骂。)
  • 2、Thevehemence of today's dispute has deeper roots, in the 1997 Asian financial crisis.(而今争辩的激烈更深层次的根源在于1997年的亚洲金融危机。)
  • 3、This attires, having of true Ya Yavehemence, where have some flavor of child, whole is a dangerous person.(这装束,真丫丫的有气势,哪儿有一点小孩子的味道,整个就是一个危险人物了。)
  • 4、Ascend summit of hill, that a pass sand peak such as gold color within ocean wave,vehemence pound Bo, dashing surge.(登上山顶,那一道道沙峰如大海中的金色波浪,气势磅礴,汹涌澎湃。)
  • 5、Other people are often surprised by thevehemence of their ideas and are usually unable to understand how they came by them.(别人经常会被他们想法的强烈程度所震惊,通畅也不能明白他们究竟怎么会产生这些想法的。)
  • 6、"May She wake in torment! " he cried, with frightfulvehemence, stamping his foot.(愿她在苦痛中醒来!他带着可怕的激动喊着,跺着脚。)
  • 7、What an immeasurable difference there is in the depth andvehemence of his emotions!(人与动物不同,难以衡量的是在于人类情感的深度和强度。)
  • 8、"That's for number one," cried the accused, wiping the sweat from his brow, for he had been talking with avehemence that shook the house.(“这是第一条,”被指控的西尔弗喊将起来,抹去额头上的汗,大嗓门震得房子直响。)
  • 9、The advertisement is one of the marketing ways, thevehemence of work in process market battles out a war amid, have full important act.(广告作为营销手段之一,在产品市场的激烈争夺战中,起着十分重要的作用。)
  • 10、Mr Mamet'svehemence commands a certain admiration.(马梅先生的热烈言辞博得了一些赞赏。)
  • 11、The recruit type doesn't have the area of some bloom Qiao,vehemence pound Bo, people don't dare to mutually touch face to face.(招式没有一点花巧之处,气势磅礴,让人不敢正面相碰。)
  • 12、He spoke more loudly and with morevehemence than he had intended.(他演讲得比自己预想的声音更响亮,语调也更激烈。)
  • 13、She was astonished at hisvehemence.(她对他的激昂感到惊讶。)
  • 14、This a moment, the he Chen didn't the slightest keep, greatly become thevehemence whole amount that the rank owns be released by it but.(这一刻,贺宸没有丝毫保留,大成阶所拥有的气势尽数被其释放而出。)
  • 15、Before is it thevehemence that still roaringly make him let go?(之前不是还气势汹汹地让他放手么?)
  • 16、Let I this heart that sleep soundly recovered thevehemence of flutter!(让我这颗熟睡的心恢复了激烈的跳动!)
  • 17、He was surprised at thevehemence of the Don's answer.(他对堂的回答的强烈感到吃惊。)
  • 18、I hurriedly chose flight and had no sitting ofvehemence very much wooden pew, fly to his flank.(我赶紧选了飞行,很没气势的坐着板凳,飞到他旁边。)
  • 19、I noted the hate andvehemence in his eyes.(我注意到他眼神里的恨与怒。)
  • 20、He threw himself withvehemence into opposition.(于是他投入到激烈的反对之中。)
  • 21、While the shadow of his figure, which the sunlight CAST upon the floor, was tremulous with thevehemence of his appeal.(而阳光在地板上照出的他的身影,还在由于刚才激昂的呼吁而颤抖。)
  • 22、The dead word is a, the he Chen up and down streams out to appear a hugevehemence entire over.(死字一出,贺宸全身上下涌现出一股巨大的气势。)
  • 23、On March 19th, when Western countries started bombing Libya, Russia's television commentary was filled withvehemence.(3月19日,西方国家开始轰炸利比亚,俄罗斯电视评论充斥着慷慨激昂。)
  • 24、Because of game fightvehemence, request to the athlete's mental state too meeting higher.(由于比赛争夺激烈,对运动员的心理要求也会更高。)
  • 25、Thevehemence of the earth is thick actually amiable, the gentleman should increase thick virtue and permit to carry creation.(大地的气势厚实和顺,君子应增厚美德,容载万物。)
  • 26、The Hai seemed to be suddenly to thought of what, thevehemence got up anew. The Mou son namely favor stars sunshine.(孩好像恍然想到了什么,气势又起来了。眸子如星辰般明亮。)
  • 27、Another up-train passed them, though with lessvehemence than the first one.(另一辆向上的火车从他们身边驶过,虽然没有第一辆那么激烈。)


英 ['vi:əməns] 美 [ˈviɪməns] 

