- 1、Therefore, first I asked him if his circumstances admitted him to spare so much money AT thAT time, and if it would notstraiten him.(于是我首先问他,以他目前的情况,能不能拿出这么多的钱,拿出来会不会使他手头拮据。)
- 2、He told me, he could not say but it mightstraiten him a little; but however it was my Money, and I might want it more than he.(拿出来后会不会使他手头拮据?他告诉我说,拮据当然会拮据一些,但那是我的钱,而且,目前我比他更需要这笔钱。)
- 3、When I'm lonely be my friend, when I'm sad be my joy, when I'm hurt be my mender and my fixer, when I'm wrongstraiten me out and be my righteousness.(主啊!请做我孤独时的朋友,悲伤时的喜乐;受伤害时的修复者,将我从错误中拯救出来,成为我的公义。) 【hao86.com好工具】