- 1、Sometimes, however, they soundedpious and insincere.(然而,有时候,他们听起来是那么的虚伪,那么的没有诚意。)
- 2、Death is ugly, and we cannot-indeed, should not-try to make it palatable or explain it away withpious platitudes.(死亡是令人厌恶的,而我们不能——确实不应该——尝试使其成为愉快的事,或用伪善的陈词滥调对其加以解释。)
- 3、Such reforms seem likely to remain little more thanpious hopes.(这类改革可能只是画饼充饥而已。)
- 4、Some feared that Solar’s subject – global warming – would make a ratherpious book.(一些人担心该书的题材--全球变暖--使其变得虚伪。)
- 5、Irish citizens, includingpious ones, will never again treat the church as untouchable.(包括虔诚信徒在内的爱尔兰人再也不认为教会神圣不可批判。)
- 6、But Italians are lesspious than they pretend.(但意大利人并不像他们装得那样虔诚。)
- 7、She'll be saved from the dangers of childbirth if she lives apious and holy life.(经历过生育的危险后,她将得救,如果她圣洁自守。)
- 8、That may be no more than anotherpious wish.(那可能只是另一种虔诚的愿望。)
- 9、Thepious man is dubious about the vicious civilian’s vivid description of his vicinity to his wife.(虔诚的男子对邪恶的平民生动的描述他与其妻子的密切(关系)半信半疑。)
- 10、"Yea, to another world," replied the minister, withpious resignation.(“是啊,到另一个世界去了,”牧师带着一切全都听天由命的神气回答说。)
- 11、How are Botticelli's laterpious paintings, bereft of Medici patronage, to be read?(波提切利后期失去了美第奇家族赞助的虔诚绘画应该怎么解读?)
- 12、Last year, Ismail described Sadah to journalist Hala Jaber aspious.(去年,在记者哈拉·贾伯面前,伊斯·玛尔对萨达的描述是:虔诚。)
- 13、Another meeting is scheduled for next month, from which we probably can expect yet morepious words.(下个月还要开会,我们或许只能指望它的措辞显得更加一本正经。)
- 14、Resentment has spread from Chinese and Indians to poor orpious Malays.(从华人印度人,到劳苦大众,到虔诚的马来人,无不心中激起怒火。)
- 15、He was brought up bypious female relatives.(他是由虔诚的女性亲属抚养大的。)
- 16、Romans really did believe that they were the mostpious nation on earth.(罗马人非常相信,他们是地球上最虔诚的国家。)
- 17、She was an old, garrulous woman, a pawnbroker's widow, who collected used stamps for somepious purpose.(她上了年纪,好唠叨,她故去的丈夫是典当商,为了某种虔诚的原因收集邮票。)
- 18、This is wildly inappropriate, I think, in such apious poem.(在这样一首严肃的诗中,这是很不合适的。)
- 19、Rolfe was apious man who agonized for many weeks over the decision to marry a "heathen."(罗尔夫是一个虔诚的人,娶一个异教妻子的决定,让他极度痛苦了好几个星期。)
- 20、pious people in eastern Turkey, where Fethullah Gulen was born, are eager to praise him.(土耳其东部法士拉·葛兰(FethullahGulen)[1]出生之地的那些虔诚的民众都急切地赞美他。)
- 21、Catherine was apious, earnest woman.(凯瑟琳是位虔诚、真挚的女子。) hao86.com
- 22、Every Sabbath, he'd go to synagogue and pray: "God, I have been such apious Jew all my life."(每逢安息日,他便会去教堂祈祷:“上帝,我一生都是个虔诚的犹太人。”)
- 23、There is this verypious Jew named Goldberg who always dreamed of winning the lottery.(有一个非常虔诚的犹太人,名叫戈德堡,老是梦想中彩票。)
- 24、Okay? Notpious tales.(知道吗?,不是寓言故事。)
- 25、I delighted to confront apious lady who hated the Germans with the proposition that we should love our enemies.(我以驳斥一位憎恨德国人却主张爱我们的敌人的虔诚女士为乐。)
- 26、Onlypious prigs care about when he chooses to get married, or to sign his children's birth certificates, or whatever.(当他选择结婚生子等事情的时候,只有一些虔诚的正人君子关注。)