


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:36:04

  • 1、He was a tall, heavy looking young man of five and twenty. His air was grave andstately, and his manners were very formal.(他是个二十五岁的青年,高高的个儿,望上去很肥胖,他的气派端庄而堂皇,又很拘泥礼节。)
  • 2、Puss in Boots arrived at astately castle.(穿靴子的猫来到一座庄严的城堡。)
  • 3、In both North America and Europe, fungus-causing diseases such as Dutch elm disease have killed off millions ofstately trees that once gave beauty to forests and cities.(在北美和欧洲,像荷兰榆树病这样的真菌疾病已经杀死了数百万棵曾给森林和城市增光添彩的高大树木。)
  • 4、Everywhere you go in Boston you will be able to seestately old houses and mansions.(无论你走到波士顿的哪个地方你都可以看到庄严的老房子和豪宅。)
  • 5、The swans move toward the shores in astately glide, their tall heads proud and unafraid.(天鹅们以一种高贵的姿态向海岸悠悠飞去--头颈高抬,高傲无畏。)
  • 6、We became suspended in somestately never-never land of pleasure, luxury, and idleness.(我们被禁止进入一些欢愉、奢华而安逸的完美之地。)
  • 7、The minister here made a pause; although the music still played thestately and rejoicing march to which the procession moved.(牧师走到这里停下了脚步,然而,音乐依然庄严地演奏着,队伍合着欢快的进行曲继续向前移动。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 8、Thestately Rose Hall Great House rests on a grassy plantation near Montego Bay.(庄严的玫瑰堂大屋靠近蒙特哥湾附近草木茂盛的种植园。)
  • 9、A few years later they entered the collections of Burghley House, astately home in Lincolnshire where they have been ever since.(过些年后,这些瓷器进入伯利庄园的收藏,从此这所位于林肯郡的豪华宅邸便成为是它们的所在地。)
  • 10、Thestately Historical Museum, which faces st. Basil's across Red Square, exhibits the glories of Russia's past.(历史博物馆面对红场对面庄严的圣巴西尔大教堂,展示了俄罗斯过去的荣耀。)
  • 11、We walked down astately avenue of elms.(我们沿着两旁有榆树的大街步行。)
  • 12、His golden hair andstately manner combined to make him the admiration of the world.(他的金发和庄重的举止结合在一起,使他得到了全世界的钦佩。)
  • 13、Came astately lady on horseback, who, talking with a young guide beside her, looked eagerly right and left.(一位骑在马上的优雅女士来了,她一边急切地左顾右盼,一边跟她旁边的年轻向导说话。)
  • 14、Saturn,stately and resplendent in this natural color view, dwarfs its icy moon Rhea.(此图中我们看到是土星的天然本色,如此壮丽辉煌,使其旁边冰冷的卫星Rhea(译注:土卫五)相形见绌。)
  • 15、At last Puss in Boots arrived at astately castle.(最后,穿靴子的猫来到一座庄严地城堡。)
  • 16、His right hand, mean-time, describingstately circles--for it was representing a forty-foot wheel.(同时,他还用右手比划着画个大圈,这代表着一个四十英尺的大转轮。)
  • 17、An ill-judged marketing attempt made Georgiana a proto-Diana, but ignore that and enjoy an impressive,stately drama.(营销欠缺思考的营销尝试把Georgiana打造成了戴安娜王妃的前身,但是你可以忽略这一点,继续欣赏这个让你印象深刻的庄严地戏剧。)
  • 18、The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains,stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests.(森林也层层叠叠地显现,宛若刚刚苏醒的山峦的斗篷,端庄威严,并带着狂风暴雨的回忆。)
  • 19、The building rose before him, tall andstately.(那栋大楼耸立在他面前,高大而又雄伟。)
  • 20、There would also be some goodstately shops among them.(那里也有一些富丽堂皇的商店。)
  • 21、I desired to be tall,stately, and finely developed in figure.(我希望自己个子高,仪表堂堂,身材匀称。)
  • 22、They are graceful,stately, inspiring ----- in calm, sunlight seas.(它们在平静的阳光照耀的海水中显得优雅堂皇,令人浮想联翩。)
  • 23、From thestately avenues of New Delhi, such worries are viewed as hysterical.(从新德里宏伟的大道上看来,这样的担忧有点歇斯底里。)
  • 24、Instead of moving at his usualstately pace, he was almost running.(不像平时那样迈着庄严的步子,他几乎是在跑。)
  • 25、In the changed landscape of downtown it is our undisturbed beauty, grown ever morestately each year.(在业已改变的市区景观中,它依旧是一道美丽的景致,年复一年,越发显得气势非凡。)
  • 26、The procession made itsstately progress through the streets of the city.(游行的队伍缓慢而庄严地穿过城市的街道。)
  • 27、He declined the invitation withstately grace.(他庄严而文雅地谢绝了邀请。)
  • 28、The houses arestately and grand: not prefabricated but solidly constructed and rich in architectural detail.(这里的房子庄严宏伟:绝非预制房,建造坚固,建筑细节随处可见。)


英 [ˈsteɪtli] 美 [ˈstetli] 

比较级: statelier 最高级: stateliest 名词: stateliness


