


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:42:07

  • 1、We really think it is a huge opportunity tobrainstorm.(我们确实认为集思广益是个巨大的机会。)
  • 2、No one has taken the time, pre-brainstorm, to consider follow-up.(没有人为此花时间,预先思索或者考虑后续跟进。)
  • 3、After that,brainstorm a list of career choices that might match your interests and skills.(在那之后,动脑筋想出一份可能符合你的兴趣和技能的职业选择清单。)
  • 4、Let's say you start tobrainstorm a list of all the emotions you've ever experienced.(让我们假设你开始头脑风暴,列出所有你体验过的情绪。)
  • 5、Schedule a walking meeting tobrainstorm ideas with your supervisors or co-workers.(安排一次步行会议和你的上级及同事们一起讨论吧。)
  • 6、brainstorm with a group of like-minded writers.(与一群智取相投的作家一起做头脑风暴。)
  • 7、Thenbrainstorm some options for healthier overall balance.(然后再看看有没有其他的办法,能够找到一个更健康全面的权衡措施。)
  • 8、Let say you could do abrainstorm each day with a specific topic in mind.(也就是说,你可以每天在大脑里正对一个具体的主题进行一次头脑风暴。)
  • 9、brainstorm ways to help these community members realize their potential in your community.(“头脑风暴”的方法可以帮助社区成员认识到他们在社区中的潜力。)
  • 10、brainstorm ideas for the script.(开动脑筋,为剧本想些点子。)
  • 11、The women meet twice a month tobrainstorm and set business goals for each other.(这些妇女们一个月聚头两次来开头脑风暴会议,为彼此设定商业目标。)
  • 12、Once you have a course assignment in front of you, you mightbrainstorm.(一旦你得到课程写作任务,可以按照下面的方式开始头脑风暴。)
  • 13、brainstorm idea: Pay them to come here.(头脑风暴主意:给他们钱让他们来。)
  • 14、short-term goal:brainstorm and research ideas for online business(短期目标:来个头脑风暴并且寻找能在网上进行商务的办法。)
  • 15、If yes, which software you use tobrainstorm your ideas?(如果是,你用的又是哪一款呢?)
  • 16、Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficientbrainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities.(对不同思想和看法的思考开阔了我们的视野,让我们增进了理解、能够以更可行高效的方式开展头脑风暴,并强调了在群体和社区中需要相互尊重。)
  • 17、Together, we began tobrainstorm ways we could help to case the suffering we had seen.(总之,我们开始寻找各种方式,我们可以帮助情况下,我们看到的痛苦。)
  • 18、Most people can easilybrainstorm possible answers to these intriguing questions.(大多数人都能很容易地想出这些有趣的问题可能的答案。)
  • 19、Choose 5 adventure goals from yourbrainstorm that you're most excited about.(从你脑海里选出五个你最想实现的目标。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、Your first step is tobrainstorm by making the lists as long a possible.(你的第一步是去做大脑风暴,把你的单子尽可能多地列出来。)
  • 21、Let'sbrainstorm for a moment: how many squares and boxes do you see in nature?(让我们认真思考一下:在自然界里你又看到多少正方形的或者盒子一样的东西呢?)
  • 22、Set enough time aside tobrainstorm at least once a day.(最少每天给时间。)
  • 23、She had abrainstorm in the exam and didn't answer a single question.(她考试时脑子里突然一片混乱,一个题也没答。)
  • 24、Identify who your competitors are -brainstorm your known competitors.(确定你的竞争对手。动脑筋想一想你认识的竞争对手。)
  • 25、Strike up a conversation with the group andbrainstorm ideas for new family tradition.(与大家聊一聊,为新的家庭传统发起头脑风暴。)
  • 26、They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts, ways tobrainstorm and think critically.(他们还应该学习如何解决问题、化解冲突,学会头脑风暴,能够批判性思考。)
  • 27、brainstorm a few questions before the next blog post or newspaper article you read.(在阅读日志或报纸之前,快速给自己提一些问题。)
  • 28、Check out our coverage ofbrainstorm Tech before you make up your mind.(在您下决定之前,不妨先回顾一下我们对本次科技头脑风暴大会的报道。)
  • 29、brainstorm and prioritize scenarios.(头脑风暴、给场景划分优先级。)


英 [ˈbreɪnstɔ:m] 美 [ˈbreɪnstɔ:rm] 

名词: brainstormer 过去式: brainstormed 过去分词: brainstormed 现在分词: brainstorming 第三人称单数: brainstorms


