- 1、You don't have to hit thegrocery store daily, nor do you need an abundance of cooking skill.(你不必每天去杂货店,也不需要很高的烹饪技能。)
- 2、We lovegrocery stores.(我们喜欢杂货店。)
- 3、What do you want from thegrocery store, Karen?(凯伦,你要在食品杂货店买什么?)
- 4、I think I've seen it before in agrocery store.(我想我曾在一家杂货店门口遇见过这类事情。)
- 5、My mum shops at thegrocery store.(我妈妈在杂货店买东西。)
- 6、They run a smallgrocery store.(他们经营一家小食品杂货店。)
- 7、Do you want anything from thegrocery store?(你要从杂货店买点什么?)
- 8、Head to your local Japanese or Asiangrocery store and grab some nori.(去你当地的日本或者亚洲的杂货店买一些海苔。)
- 9、Thegrocery shop is offering customers 5 cents for each shopping bag re-used.(该杂货店为顾客重复使用每个购物袋给5美分。)
- 10、Thegrocery store is closed.(杂货店关门了。)
- 11、There's a fantasticgrocery store nearby.(在这附近有一家很棒的杂货店。)
- 12、You can get one in thegrocery store over there.(那边的那家杂货店有卖。)
- 13、Mostgrocery stores refuse to sell them.(大多数杂货店拒绝出售它们。)
- 14、In the first movie Tony Curtis ever made he played agrocery clerk.(在托尼·柯蒂斯制作的第一部影片中,他出演一名杂货店店员。)
- 15、We happened to see John in thegrocery store.(我们在杂货店里遇见约翰。)
- 16、Often, when thegrocery store is empty and all you can hear is the buzzing of flies.(当杂货店里空无一人的时候,你所能听到的常常只有苍蝇的嗡嗡声。)
- 17、Her mother began operation of a smallgrocery.(她母亲开始经营一家小杂货店。)
- 18、I bought it at thegrocery store.(我在食品杂货店买的。)
- 19、Guess who I met at thegrocery store.(猜猜看我在杂货店遇到谁了。)
- 20、Today, you can find protein supplements everywhere—online or at the pharmacy,grocery store or health food store.(今天,你可以在网上、药店、杂货店或保健食品店等任何地方找到蛋白质补充剂。)
- 21、Later, he also worked at his grandfather'sgrocery store.(后来,他还在他祖父的杂货店工作。) hao86.com
- 22、I do not hunt. I go to thegrocery store.(我不打猎,我只是去杂货店。)
- 23、The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a "grocery tax".(广告批评了这一措施,称其为“杂货税”。)
- 24、I worked stocking shelves in agrocery shop.(我在一家杂货店工作,给货架上货。)
- 25、And thisgrocery store held so many sweet memories.(而这个食品杂货店有很多甜美的回忆。)
- 26、Thatgrocery store stays open until ten o'clock.(那间杂货店营业到十点。)
- 27、Yesterday I was in thegrocery store.(昨天我在杂货店。)
- 28、Native-ownedgrocery stores do better business because there are immigrants to pick the fruit they sell.(本地人经营的杂货店生意更好,因为有移民来采摘他们出售的水果。)
- 29、Ranked second and third weregrocery and electronics customers.(排在第二位和第三位的是杂货和电子产品客户。)