好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的rat race的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条rat race的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了rat race的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、In our modern chaotic andrat race world, we are no longer sleeping in a naturally healthy manner.(在竞争激烈的当今社会,我们已经无法拥有一种自然健康的睡眠方式。)
- 2、What if lower-tier colleges and universities were the ticket to escaping therat race?(如果低层次的学院和大学是逃避激烈竞争的门票呢?) [hao86.com好工具]
- 3、In therat race, they try every means to stay on the top, and the fear to lose the game inevitably wrecks their peace of mind.(在这种残酷的竞争中,他们使出浑身解数力求成功,由于害怕在竞争中失败而无法保持平和的心态。)
- 4、The trouble with therat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat. -lily Tomlin.(在卑鄙的较量中,麻烦的是即便你赢了,你还是个卑鄙之徒。)
- 5、But You Should Escape Therat race.(但你应该避开激烈的竞争。)
- 6、Those who go out to work should take their turn in therat race like anyone else.(那些出去工作的人应该象其他任何人一样在激烈的竞争中轮流等候。)
- 7、As for therat race, while different, it's faster than ever.(至于商业竞争,不同的是,它比以往更激烈了。)
- 8、The moneyrat race is a never ending game.(钱的比赛是永远不会有结束的。)
- 9、We call the difficult side of city living therat race. Working long hours and living in small Spaces can make you feel like a rat.(我们将城市生活中艰辛的一面称为激烈竞争。工作时间长、居住空间狭小,自己仿佛就是一只生活在城市的老鼠。)
- 10、I'd love to get out of therat race and buy a house in some remote part of the countryside.(我真想摆脱这种激烈的竞争,在偏僻的乡下地方买间房子住下。)
- 11、We are taught to believe that only by going to the best schools and getting the best grades can we escape therat race and build a better future.(我们被教育要相信,只有上最好的学校,取得最好的成绩,才能逃脱你死我活的竞争,创造更美好的未来。)
- 12、I had to get out of therat race and take a look at the real world again.(我必须退出这种你争我夺的生活,重新看看真实的世界。)
- 13、If you want to escape therat race you will have to reduce your working hours.(如果你想逃避异常激烈竞争,你就得减少工作时间。)
- 14、It was their duty to participate in the "rat race" to support their families.(参与激烈竞争以支撑家庭是他们的责任。)
- 15、Now I know. I need to get myself out of the 'rat race.(现在我知道了,我要使自己的生活也走出'老鼠赛跑'。)
- 16、This tiny harbour town is the perfect spot for people wanting to get away from therat race, but not from the human race.(这个港口小镇是那些想从激烈竞争的生活中解脱出来,而又不想远离人群的人们选择休息的完美地点。)
- 17、Time out of therat race on the black sands of Perissa beach on the east coast of Santorini island.(在圣托里尼岛东岸的佩里萨黑沙海滩享受远离都市竞争的休假。)
- 18、Bird Watching is a great way to escape therat race and be one with nature.(观鸟是一个伟大的方式来解脱亡命夺宝,是一个与大自然。)
- 19、I had a plan on how to get out of therat race.(我有一个如何逃离老鼠赛道的计划。)
- 20、Therat race refers to a pattern ofbehavior where we work for a living but barely make any progress financially.(“老鼠赛跑”是指那种为了生活而拼命工作、却没有改善财务状况的人的生活行为模式。)
- 21、To me, the most important takeaway from Bernanke's speech is the importance of staying out of therat race.(对我而言,从伯南克演讲中吸取的最重要的部分就是置身激烈竞争之外的重要性。)
- 22、Thisrat race is getting me down.(这种激烈的竞争让我十分沮丧。)
- 23、You want to end therat race and stop climbing the corporate ladder (and sacrificing your happiness).(你想结束四处寻找帮助的日子,想停止攀爬通向社会高层的阶梯(那样做会失去幸福);)
- 24、We live in a society that favors therat race and where performance mesmerizes the minds.(我们生存在一个充满激烈竞争,而工作又相当费神的社会。)
- 25、You'll be trapped in the ego'srat race forever, and no matter what you do, you'll never find the Holy Grail that you're seeking.(你将会陷入自我的无意义追逐中,并且不管你做什么,你也永远找不到你所追求的圣杯。)
- 26、Moreover, they are never taught the power of passive income streams and how to really break free from therat race of working 9-to-5.(而且,从来没有人教我们认识消极收入流的能力,以及如何真正从朝九晚五的激烈竞争中解放出来。)