


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:50:33

  • 1、Getting to the paintings themselves, virtually all Paleolithic cave art represents animals, and Chauvet is noexception.(说到绘画本身,几乎所有旧石器时代的洞穴艺术都代表动物,肖维也不例外。)
  • 2、Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is anexception.(城里大多是现代建筑,不过教堂是个例外。)
  • 3、Every coin has two sides, and artificial intelligence is noexception.(凡事都有两面,人工智能也不例外。)
  • 4、Normally she wore little makeup, but this evening was clearly anexception.(通常她很少化妆,可今晚显然是个例外。)
  • 5、Marketing is applied to everything these days, and books are noexception.(现在市场营销用于任何事物,图书也不例外。)
  • 6、Nobody had much money at the time and I was noexception.(那时候谁都没有很多钱,我也不例外。)
  • 7、The onlyexception is an unusual African rodent, the naked mole rat.(唯一的例外是一种不寻常的非洲啮齿动物,裸鼢鼠。)
  • 8、Stepfamilies are rapidly becoming the norm, not theexception.(重组家庭正迅速变得司空见惯,不再是个例外。)
  • 9、With theexception of fresh produce and dairy, try not to buy any food.(除了新鲜农产品和奶制品,尽量不买任何食物。)
  • 10、Everyone should keep discipline and you are noexception.(每个人都应该遵守纪律,你也毫无例外。)
  • 11、Almost withoutexception these women fall victim to exploitation.(几乎毫无例外这些女人都成为了剥削的牺牲品。)
  • 12、A higher educational background exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with noexception to me.(高等教育背景对很多人都有极大的吸引力,我也不例外。)
  • 13、In other words, he figured it was anexception to the rule.(换句话说,他认为这是规则的一个例外。)
  • 14、Cancers are anotherexception, because their cells are rapidly dividing.(癌症是另一个例外,因为它们的细胞在迅速分裂。)
  • 15、Yesterday was a day off for everybody, with theexception of Lorenzo.(昨天每个人休一天假,洛伦佐除外。)
  • 16、There is no rule without anexception.(有规则必有例外。)
  • 17、For many trees—evergreen conifers being anexception—the best strategy is to abandon photosynthesis until the spring.(对于许多树木来说——常绿的针叶树是一个例外——最好的策略是在春天之前放弃光合作用。)
  • 18、If the XML parser sees a null character in its input, it throws anexception and stops processing.(如果XML分析程序在其输入中看到一个空字符,它就会发出异常并停止处理。)
  • 19、Yet "Apes" is moreexception than the rule.(然而,《人猿》更多的是例外而不是常规。)
  • 20、Few guitarists can sing as well as they can play; Eddie, however, is anexception.(很少有吉他手唱歌能唱得跟弹得一样好,而艾迪是个例外。)
  • 21、No one could possibly takeexception to his comments.(任何人都不可能对他的意见提出异议。)
  • 22、Most electronics companies have not done well this year, but ours is theexception that proves the rule.(今年多数电子公司都不景气,而我们公司却是普遍中的例外。)
  • 23、There is oneexception to this general principle.(这个一般性原则有一例外。)
  • 24、All his novels are set in Italy with theexception of his last.(他的小说除最后一部外全是以意大利为背景。)
  • 25、With theexception of Juan, each attained a measure of success.(除了胡安,每个人都取得了一定的成功。)
  • 26、English is noexception.(英语也不例外。)
  • 27、With the possibleexception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly.(可能除了披头士乐队这个例外,还没有哪个乐队如此转瞬走红的。)
  • 28、This rule is anexception to the above rule of not setting mediation properties during this phase.(本条规则是上述要求不在此阶段设置中介属性的那条规则的一个例外。)
  • 29、Prior to Kerber's work, educational historians barely mentioned women and girls; Thomas Woody's 1929 work is the notableexception.(在科波尔的作品之前,教育历史学家很少提到妇女和女孩;托马斯·伍迪1929年的作品是个明显的例外。)
  • 30、Anexception occurs occasionally in cases where customers for a particular industrial product may be few and easily identifiable.(偶尔会出现例外情况,即某一特定工业产品的客户可能很少,而且容易识别。)


英 [ɪkˈsepʃn] 美 [ɪkˈsɛpʃən] 


