- 1、He wascapable of writing things of startling originality.(他能写出有惊人原创性的作品。)
- 2、Machine learning is nowcapable of far, far more complex tasks.(机器学习现在能够完成极其复杂的任务。)
- 3、He wascapable of killing a man with his bare hands.(他赤手空拳就能取人性命。)
- 4、I'm quitecapable of speaking for myself, thank you!(我自己会说,谢谢了!)
- 5、I'll leave you in Robin'scapable hands— metaphorically speaking , of course!(我要把你放到罗宾能干的手中—当然,这只是打个比方。)
- 6、She's a verycapable teacher.(她是一位能力很强的教师。)
- 7、Human beings differ from animals in that the former iscapable of using language.(人类与动物的不同在于前者能够使用语言。)
- 8、Moreover, mood states appearcapable of enhancing a consumer's memory.(此外,情绪状态似乎能够增强消费者的记忆。)
- 9、They arecapable of the most heinous acts.(他们能做出令人发指的事情来。)
- 10、I sorrow to hear that; the Wen was acapable man, and brave.(我听了很难过;肉疙瘩是一个能干而勇敢的人。)
- 11、Anne was intelligent andcapable of passing her exams with ease.(安妮很聪明,能够轻易地通过考试。)
- 12、He's quitecapable of lying to get out of trouble.(靠撒谎渡过难关他挺有一套。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 13、You'recapable of offering something to them and to your conversation.(你有能力为他们和你们的谈话提供一些东西。)
- 14、It's about what we know this country iscapable of.(这是关于我们所知道的这个国家有怎样的能力。)
- 15、I'll leave the organization in yourcapable hands.(我要把组织工作交给你这位能手。)
- 16、Every student in the class iscapable of passing the exam.(班上每个同学都有能力通过这次考试。)
- 17、He is regarded as verycapable but unexciting.(他被认为很有能力但是很乏味。)
- 18、You arecapable of better work than this.(你有能力做得比这更好。)
- 19、You come over as acapable and amusing companion.(你让人觉得是一个能干而有趣的同伴。)
- 20、Plants are alsocapable of distinguishing between different wavelengths of light.(植物也有能力区分不同波长的光。)
- 21、All dogs arecapable of doing harm to human beings.(所有的狗都能对人造成伤害。)
- 22、We arecapable of taking care of ourselves.(我们有能力照顾自己。)
- 23、He appeared hardlycapable of conducting a coherent conversation.(他看起来几乎没有能力进行连贯的谈话。)
- 24、Is the claimcapable of proof?(这个说法能证明是正确的吗?)
- 25、To test whether children arecapable of deductive reasoning.(测试孩子是否有演绎推理的能力。)
- 26、I wouldn't have thought himcapable of it.(我不会想到他能干这事。)
- 27、Can I leave these queries in yourcapable hands?(我能否请你这个能手来解答这些疑问?)
- 28、She's a verycapable speaker.(她是一个非常有能力的演说者。)
- 29、I'm perfectlycapable of doing it myself, thank you.(谢谢,我完全有能力自己做。)