
cut in

cut in造句

更新时间:2024-12-29 23:26:20

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的cut in的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条cut in的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了cut in的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Emergency generatorscut in.(应急发电机启动了。)
  • 2、Combine 1/4oz Grey Goose Vodka, 3/4 oz Monin Passion Fruit Syrup, 1 Fresh Strawberrycut in four and 2 Fresh Basil leaves into an iced cocktail shaker.(在一个冰镇鸡尾酒调制器中混合1/4盎司灰雁伏特加、3/4盎司莫宁百香果糖浆、1个切成四瓣的新鲜草莓和2片新鲜的罗勒叶。)
  • 3、In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens County have beencut in half.(在过去的四年里,雅典县的福利名单被削减了一半。)
  • 4、Thecut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons. First of all, banks are still afraid to loan.(降低利率在加利福尼亚州没造成很大影响的原因有二。第一,银行仍然害怕放贷。)
  • 5、If it iscut in a plane different from the one used by the early investigators, it will not form two whole embryos.(如果在一个不同于早期研究人员所使用的平面上切割,就不会形成两个完整的胚胎。)
  • 6、The one-pointcut in interest rates was a wise move.(利率下调1个点是明智之举。)
  • 7、Only another diamond can make a slightcut in a diamond.(只有另一块钻石才能在一块钻石上切出一个小口。)
  • 8、cut in small pieces.(一小块一小块的砍掉。)
  • 9、Hopes of an earlycut in interest rates bolstered confidence.(提前降低利率的希望增强了信心。)
  • 10、He can't run in the halls,cut in line, call out, or swing his paintbrush around.(他不能在走廊奔跑,不能插队,不能大声叫喊,或到处挥舞画笔。)
  • 11、'Forget it!' shecut in.(“算了吧!”她插嘴道。)
  • 12、What is the City's reaction to thecut in interest rates?(伦敦金融界对削减利率的反应如何?)
  • 13、How about a 40%cut in fee, or a free repeat campaign?(40%的费用削减或者免费的重复广告怎么样?)
  • 14、Helen Lee took a 70%cut in salary when she moved from a senior post in Abbott Laboratories to a medical department at the University of Cambridge.(海伦·李从雅培公司的高层职位调到剑桥大学医学系后,薪水减少了70%。)
  • 15、The rebels want another 1%cut in interest rates.(反对派希望能再降低1%的利率。)
  • 16、The cabscut in front of them, trying to box them in.(出租车超车跑在他们前面,试图堵住他们。)
  • 17、Their wages have beencut in half to a measly $410 a month.(他们的工资已经被削减一半,每月只有少得可怜的410美元。)
  • 18、The motor industry is rejoicing at thecut in car tax.(汽车工业对汽车减税感到非常高兴。)
  • 19、The agriculture sector must be placed at the center of development tocut in half extreme poverty and hunger by 2015.(必须把农业部门放在发展的中心,才能在2015年把极度贫困和饥饿人口减少一半。)
  • 20、Immediately, Danielcut in on Joanne's attempts at reassurance.(马上,丹尼尔打断了乔安妮要说的安慰的话。)
  • 21、The bus wascut in two by the train.(那辆公共汽车被火车撞成两截。)
  • 22、The government refused to sanction a furthercut in interest rates.(政府拒绝批准进一步降低利率。)
  • 23、They had to take a 20%cut in pay.(他们不得不接受减薪20%。)
  • 24、It was a man dressed in a suit of black velvet,cut in the Spanish fashion.(这是个穿着一套黑色天鹅绒衣服的男人,衣服按着西班牙的式样裁剪。)
  • 25、"Not true," the Duchesscut in.(“不是真的,”公爵夫人插话道。)
  • 26、The economy needs an immediate 2 percentcut in interest rates.(经济即刻需要一个2%的利率下调。)
cut in基本释义

cut in

英 [kʌt in] 美 [kʌt ɪn] 

切入; 插嘴; 超车

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