好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的more or less的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条more or less的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了more or less的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、She started off by accusing him of blackmail but hemore or less ignored her.(她以指控他敲诈勒索开始,但他基本上没理会她。)
- 2、In recent years, there is a growing tendency for people to shop online, and most peoplemore or less have the experience of shopping online.(近年来,网购有增长趋势,大多数人或多或少都有过网上购物的经历。)
- 3、Everybody feltmore or less thirsty.(大家都感到有些渴。) hAo86.com
- 4、The conference ismore or less over.(会议大致结束了。)
- 5、They go to Buckingham Palace to receive medals from the Queen and, by now,more or less accept it as their due.(他们去白金汉宫接受了女王的勋章,并且直到现在,或多或少地还是把它作为自己应得的来接受。)
- 6、Which is nothingmore or less than excellent service, if you have the money.(如果你有钱的话,这种服务绝对是一流的。)
- 7、With a lessonmore or less, we are always the same donkeys.(不管多上一课还是少上一课,我们最后都是头笨驴。)
- 8、The author can report other people's results whichmore or less agree with hers.(作者可以报道与自己的观点或多或少一致的别人的成果。)
- 9、Depending on the angle it tilts at, the seasons can bemore or less severe.(根据它(指地轴)倾斜角度的不同,季节的严酷程度也不同。)
- 10、Instead, they aremore or less randomly scattered over Venus's surface.(相反,它们或多或少是随机分布在金星表面的。)
- 11、By this time I'm late, and one hourmore or less makes very little difference.(到现在我已经迟到了,早一个小时或晚一个小时也没什么区别。)
- 12、I know we have to go southeast,more or less.(我知道我们大概得往东南方向走。)
- 13、How much will it cost,more or less ?(这个大概得花多少钱?)
- 14、I'vemore or less finished the book.(我差不多已经读完这本书了。)
- 15、There's beenmore or less inspired by Lacrimosa but they have been going their own ways.(他们或多或少有受到“以泪洗面”乐队的影响,不过他们有他们自己的路。)
- 16、But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney wasmore or less the genuine article.(但是,撇开他与联邦调查局的关系,迪士尼或多或少也是真正的名人。)
- 17、Hemore or less railroaded the rest of Europe into recognizing the new "independent" states.(他或多或少地强迫了欧洲其他国家承认这些新“独立”的国家。)
- 18、In 1985, after the National Literacy Crusade had ended, the infant mortality figures for those who remained illiterate and for those educated in primary school remainedmore or less unchanged.(1985年,在全国扫盲运动结束后,那些仍处于文盲状态的妇女和接受过小学教育的妇女生出来的的婴儿的死亡率基本没有变化。)
- 19、The body feels hot and the temperature remainsmore or less constant at the new elevated level.(身体感到热,可体温保持在升高后的新高度上差不多稳定不变。)
- 20、He reasoned that iron took onmore or less oxygen in response to conditions in the kimberlitic magma itself—mainly in response to heat and the available oxygen.(他推断,铁吸收或多或少的氧气是由于金伯利岩浆本身的条件——主要是由于热量和可用的氧气。)
- 21、The polluted watermore or less influences their health.(受污染的水或多或少地影响着他们的健康。)
- 22、She could earn $200 a night,more or less.(她一晚上大约能挣200元。)
- 23、Thus our bodies continuously exchange old substance for new, just like a spring whichmore or less maintains its form and movement, but in which the water molecules are always different.(因此,我们的身体不断地把旧物质替换成新的,就像一个喷泉,或多或少地保持着它的形式和运动,但其中的水分子总是不同的。)
- 24、However, it should be kept in mind that many societies that knew of agriculturemore or less consciously avoided it.(然而应该记住的是,许多对农业有所了解的社会都或多或少有意识地避免了它。)
- 25、They think its population grew rapidly and then remainedmore or less stable until the arrival of the Europeans, who introduced deadly diseases to which islanders had no immunity.(他们认为岛上的人口增长迅速,然后保持或多或少的稳定速度来增长,直到欧洲人的到来引进了岛上居民对其没有免疫力的致命疾病。)
- 26、So I think we'remore or less clear on what the show will be like.(所以我认为我们或多或少都很清楚这场演出将会是什么样子。)
- 27、Simultaneous interpreting, putting someone's words into another languagemore or less as they speak, sounds to me like the more difficult.(同声传译在我看来是比较困难的,它需要把说话者的语言或多或少地翻译成另一种语言。)
- 28、They have got the walls to where they were before Katrina,more or less.(他们或多或少地把墙恢复到了卡特里娜飓风前的水平。)
- 29、However, genetic learning depends upon a prediction that the future willmore or less resemble the past.(然而,基因学习基于一种预测,即未来或多或少会与过去相似。)
- 30、We decided,more or less on a whim, to sail to Morocco.(我们多少有些心血来潮地决定乘船去摩洛哥。)