好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的fall off的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条fall off的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了fall off的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Who was lucky enough not to die after hefall off some stairs?(是谁那么走运,从几级楼梯上摔下来还没有死?)
- 2、Eventually you develop a scab, and then it wouldfall off as it healed, and you'd be left with a scar.(最终你会结成一个痂,当它愈合的时候,它会脱落,然后你会留下一个伤疤。) Hao86.com
- 3、I saw herfall off her bike.(我看到她从自行车上摔下来。)
- 4、It's important to tighten up the wheels properly, otherwise they vibrate loose andfall off.(把车轮拧紧很重要,否则它们会振动而松脱。)
- 5、In 'come back', 'break down' and 'fall off', 'back', 'down' and 'off' are all adverbial particles.(在comeback、breakdown和falloff中,back、down和off都是副词小词。)
- 6、My partner says no because the boiler could go, or the rooffall off, and we have no savings to save us.(我的另一半说不,因为锅炉可能会坏掉,屋顶可能会掉下来,而我们没有可用以自救的储蓄。)
- 7、Look out! You wouldfall off the ladder.(当心!你会从梯子上掉下去的。)
- 8、In autumn the leaves wither andfall off the trees.(秋天,树叶枯萎并从树上落下来。)
- 9、Slow down, or you'llfall off!(慢点,不然会摔下地的!)
- 10、She didn'tfall off her bike.(她没有从车上摔下来。)
- 11、The cat is going tofall off.(这只猫将要摔下来。)
- 12、Our sales have begun tofall off.(我们的销售额已经开始下降。)
- 13、They'llfall off!(他们会掉下来!)
- 14、When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you oftenfall off.(初学自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。)
- 15、I saw the boyfall off the tree.(我看见那个男孩从树上掉下来。)
- 16、Look out! You couldfall off the edge here.(当心!你别从边上掉下去。)
- 17、His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he's an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things thatfall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road.(他是一位研究如何减少垃圾的环境科学家,其中包括研究减少垃圾车行驶时掉下来的东西,当你考虑到这一点,自然就能明白他为什么会养成这种奇怪的习惯了。)
- 18、I hope he won'tfall off.(我希望他不会掉下来。)
- 19、Be careful! Don'tfall off the tree.(小心!别从树上摔下来。)
- 20、You'll break your neck if youfall off the roof.(你要是从屋顶上跌下来会摔死的。)
- 21、Leavesfall off the trees in the autumn.(秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。)
- 22、The fat man is going tofall off his horse.(这个胖男人要从他的马上摔下来了。)
- 23、Miraculously, I didn’tfall off.(我居然没有掉下来,这简直是个奇迹。)
- 24、Beware of objects that canfall off shelves.(小心可能从架子上掉下来的物品。)
- 25、If youfall off your horse, you can just get back on.(你从马上摔下来你再骑上去就可以了。)
- 26、Why things don'tfall off the earth is explained in the text.(为什么东西不掉离地球课文里已有说明。)
- 27、Flowersfall off [will die], do what one may. Swallows return, no strangers they.(无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。)
- 28、I neverfall off my bike.(我从来不会从车上摔下来。)
- 29、You can'tfall off the horse.(你不能从马上摔下来。)