
adapt to

adapt to造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 23:53:41

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的adapt to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条adapt to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了adapt to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Animals also have toadapt to desert conditions, and they may do it through two forms of behavioral adaptation: they either escape or retreat.(动物也必须适应沙漠环境,它们可能通过两种形式的行为适应来做到这一点:它们要么逃跑,要么撤退。)
  • 2、The most important factor for the survival of a species is its ability to compete andadapt to gradual changes in its environment.(一个物种最重要的生存因素是它的竞争能力和适应环境逐渐变化的能力。)
  • 3、It's not always easy toadapt to change.(适应变革并不是很容易。)
  • 4、The question now is whether reef-building corals have the capacity toadapt to those changes.(现在的问题是造礁珊瑚是否有能力适应这些变化。)
  • 5、The ability of a species to compete andadapt to a gradually changing environment is not the only ability that is essential for survival.(一个物种竞争和适应逐渐变化的环境的能力并不是生存所必需的唯一能力。)
  • 6、There is yet another aspect of the harsh environment that they have toadapt to, the force of tides and occasional violent storms.(但依然存在另一个恶劣的环境问题,需要它们适应,即汹涌的潮汐和偶尔袭来的飓风。)
  • 7、We must be able toadapt to changing circumstances.(我们必须能够适应不断变化的情况。)
  • 8、To survive in that sort of environment, animals have toadapt to evolve in response to their surroundings.(为了在那样的环境中生存,动物必须进化,以适应周围的环境。)
  • 9、Some students pointed out that studying overseas enables them to be independent and try their best toadapt to every aspect abroad.(一些学生指出,出国留学使他们能够独立自主,努力适应国外生活的各个方面。)
  • 10、Youadapt to feedback from your listener.(你从听众的反馈中改变自己。)
  • 11、Was it the language or something else that made it hard for you toadapt to the life there?(是语言还是什么其它问题让你很难适应这里的生活?)
  • 12、It was the culture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him toadapt to the new environment abroad.(他很难适应国外的新环境是因为文化问题而不是语言问题。)
  • 13、Human beings will continue toadapt to the changing climate in both ordinary and astonishing ways.(人类将继续以普通而又惊人的方式适应气候变化。)
  • 14、Even the traditional chefs are aware of the need toadapt to local tastes and customs, while maintaining the Britishness of their cuisine.(即使是传统的厨师也会意识到,要在保持他们的菜肴的英国特色的同时适应当地的口味和习俗。)
  • 15、Nokia's board resisted change, making it impossible for the company toadapt to rapid shifts in the industry.(诺基亚董事会拒绝做出改变,这使得该公司不可能适应行业的快速变化。)
  • 16、A person who had input into where he would move and has had time toadapt to it might do as well in a nursing home as in a small residential care home, other factors being equal.(在其他因素相同的情况下,如果一个人对他要搬到哪里有了一定的了解,并且有时间去适应,那么他在养老院的表现可能和在小型寄宿养老院的表现一样好。)
  • 17、A large organization can be slow toadapt to change.(大机构可能应变迟缓。)
  • 18、Farmers alreadyadapt to variable weather by changing their planting schedules.(农民已经通过改变种植计划来适应多变的天气。)
  • 19、How can a leaderadapt to a changing environment?(一个领导者如何适应变化的环境?)
  • 20、IT shouldadapt to changes in business and IT policies.(它应该能够适应业务以及IT策略的改变。)
  • 21、Some amphibiansadapt to arid environments by completing accelerated development with resting stages deep underground.(一些两栖动物通过在地下深处的休眠期内完成加速发育以适应干旱环境。)
  • 22、Some students firmly believe that studying overseas enables them to be independent, and they will try their best toadapt to a new life.(一些学生坚信留学能使他们独立,并尽最大努力适应新的生活。)
  • 23、If you put an infant on Mars, they wouldadapt to varying degrees of the new environment.(如果你把一个婴儿放在火星上,他们就会适应不同程度的新环境。)
  • 24、They contended that land animals that began toadapt to aquatic life would soon be neither fowl nor fish, incapable of surviving in either medium.(他们认为,开始适应水生生活的陆地动物很快就会变成既不是鸟也不是鱼,无法在任何一种环境中生存。)
  • 25、The nature of plant life in deserts is also highly dependent on the fact that they have toadapt to the prevailing aridity.(沙漠中的植物的性质也高度取决于这样一个事实,即它们必须适应普遍的干旱。)
  • 26、She is hard at work finding a way to take traits from rare wild plants thatadapt to extremely dry weather and use them in food crops.(她正在努力寻找一种方法,从适应极端干旱天气的珍稀野生植物中提取性状,并将其用于粮食作物。)
  • 27、Advertisers using the print media—magazines and newspapers—will need toadapt to two main changes.(使用印刷媒体(杂志和报纸)的广告客户将需要适应两个主要的变化。)
  • 28、It is because salt marsh grasses have found ways toadapt to the conditions there.(这是因为盐沼草已经找到了适应那里环境的方式。)
  • 29、The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared toadapt to the change.(这个世界将会不同,所以我们必须准备好适应变化。)
adapt to基本释义

adapt to

英 [əˈdæpt tu:] 美 [əˈdæpt tu] 

变得习惯于…, 使适应于, 能应付…;随;
