
on occasion

on occasion造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 01:40:26

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的on occasion的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条on occasion的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了on occasion的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、I wander in the parkon occasion.(我偶尔会去公园逛逛。)
  • 2、I kept thinking of how Jerry wouldon occasion tease George by calling him "Biff," a reference to the son of the failed salesman Willy Loman.(我一直在思考为什么杰里有时取笑乔治,称呼他为“比夫”,这是那个失败的推销员威利·洛曼的儿子的名字。)
  • 3、Her predecessor, Ricardo Lagos, was knownon occasion to take the subway to work.(而她的前任拉戈斯据说有时甚至会乘坐地铁上班。)
  • 4、on occasion, animals and plants have been preserved after becoming immersed in tar or quicksand, trapped in ice or lava flows, or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash.(有时,动物和植物被浸泡在焦油或流沙中,被困在冰或熔岩流中,或被迅速落下的火山灰吞没后被保存下来。)
  • 5、Everyone loses temperon occasion, so don't blame yourself too hard.(每个人都会偶尔控制不住脾气,所以不要过分自责。)
  • 6、You may even have room in your diet for a tasty sweeton occasion.(偶尔,你甚至可以在用餐里加入一份美味甜品。)
  • 7、on occasion these organizations recognize a need to integrate the data.(有时这些组织认识到需要对数据进行集成。)
  • 8、You might do it to your enemieson occasion, but never to your own side.(你可以在必要时对你的敌人使用这招,但千万别用在自己人身上。)
  • 9、Nozick and I also spokeon occasion and were on friendly terms.(我有时也和诺齐克聊聊,我们一直保持了友好的关系。)
  • 10、Inevitably her loyalty hason occasion been questioned.(她的忠诚度不可避免地时而受到质问。)
  • 11、It is, however, necessaryon occasion to work outwith these hours.(然而,有时有必要在这些时间之外工作。)
  • 12、Yes, this does happenon occasion.(是的,这种情况时有发生。)
  • 13、on occasion, that can prove a heavy burden indeed.(有时,这的确可能成为非常沉重的负担。)
  • 14、on occasion, the two women went to lunch and she came home offended by some pettiness.(一次偶然的机会,两个女人一起去吃午餐,其中一个被一些小事弄得很不愉快。)
  • 15、Some of the players may,on occasion, break the rules and be penalized.(一些选手可能偶尔会犯规并受到处罚。)
  • 16、on occasion the Moon is too small to cover the whole of the Sun.(有时月球太小而无法遮盖住整个太阳。)
  • 17、on occasion, I'm asked what is the difference between aio and posixaio.(有时候,我会被问及aio和posixaio之间的区别。)
  • 18、The troopers did have real security work to doon occasion.(偶尔,州警们还真的有保安工作要做。)
  • 19、Most men get performance anxietyon occasion, especially as they age.(大部分男人也会偶然地表现出焦虑,尤其是随着年龄的增长。)
  • 20、She hadon occasion praised him extravagantly.(她有时曾过分地表扬他。)
  • 21、on occasion, the person may decide to change, but that it their choice.(有时候,人们决定改变,但是他们有自己的选择。)
  • 22、It's okay to indulge yourselfon occasion - just don't let it get out of control.(把自己投入到某个场景里是没错—不过不要让它失控。)
  • 23、I call on himon occasion.(我偶尔去拜访他。)
  • 24、They didn’t say much along the way, buton occasion a few words slipped out.(他们一路上没谈什么,除了偶尔顺口说上几句。)
  • 25、They need to smile and feel joyon occasion.(他们渴望微笑和片刻的欢乐。)
  • 26、He has been knownon occasion to lose his temper.(大家都知道他有时会发脾气。)
  • 27、on occasion, you may see problems with the driver within the virtual machine.(有时,您可能会看到虚拟机中的驱动程序有问题。)
  • 28、Every partner needs to hear these wordson occasion.(所有伴侣偶尔想听这句话。)
  • 29、on occasion you will almostcertainly want to stop and look around.(偶尔你着实想要停下来,四处看看。)
  • 30、Great for people who love to cook, but are tiredon occasion.(有利于那些热爱烹饪,但是偶尔又厌倦的人。)
on occasion基本释义

on occasion

英 [ɔn əˈkeiʒən] 美 [ɑn əˈkeʒən] 

偶尔; 有时
