- 1、What need is there ofpenance if God is worshipped with love?(如果用爱来敬拜神,那么苦行又有何必要?)
- 2、It is not mortification, apenance.(这不是羞辱,而是苦行。)
- 3、Anotherpenance was the drinking of milk.(另一桩苦行就是饮用牛奶。)
- 4、He had donepenance for his SINS, we should forgive him.(他已经为赎罪自我惩罚了,我们应该原谅他。)
- 5、To receive thatpenance, he must go to his cousin and archrival, King Eurystheus.(为了接受惩罚,他必须去找自己的表兄以及主要对手——欧律斯透斯国王。)
- 6、Herpenance for her sin is to forgive herself and declare that sin dead.(她为她的罪行做的忏悔是为了宽恕自己,宣布罪行死亡。)
- 7、The Sun was doing itspenance with a piece on Jarman.(《太阳报》正在行贾曼的苦修:写一篇贾曼的访稿。) Hao86.com
- 8、I'll dopenance, but make that guy go away!(我要去做忏悔,但要让那个家伙走开!)
- 9、Ofpenance, I have had enough!(忏悔嘛,我已经做得够多的了!)
- 10、She regards living in New York as apenance; she hates big cities.(她把住在纽约视为一件苦事—她讨厌大都市。)
- 11、ASH WEDNESDAY is the first day of Lent, a season ofpenance and reflection.(圣灰星期三是苦行与沉思的时节——四月斋的第一天。)
- 12、What is the use ofpenance if God is not seen within and without?(如果既在内也在外都看见神,那么苦修又有何必要?)
- 13、Searing Light (Holy) : Now also increases the damage of your Holy Nova andpenance spells.(灼热之光(神圣):现在同样增加神圣新星与苦行的伤害。)
- 14、Healing Focus: Now works properly withpenance.(治疗专注:现在能正确作用于忏悔。)
- 15、Therefore I reprehend myself, and dopenance in dust and ashes.(为此,我收回我所说过的话,坐在灰尘中忏悔。)
- 16、Mypenance, constant in degree, is mutable in kind: one of its variants is tranquillity.(我的赎罪,程度不变,但种类一直在变:其中一种便是平静。)
- 17、Inner Focus: Now works properly with Mind Flay, Mind Sear, andpenance.(心灵专注:现在正确作用于精神鞭挞,精神凋零和忏悔。)
- 18、Yeah. I'm doingpenance for forgetting her birthday last week.(是啊。我是在为上星期忘了她生日赎罪。)
- 19、Bitter bamboo room is like a person doingpenance.(苦竹斋像忏悔中的一个人。)
- 20、I think she may be doing this as some kind ofpenance.(我想她可能是为了忏悔。)
- 21、Are you willing to dopenance for your SINS, my son?(你愿意以苦行赎你的罪吗,我的儿子?)
- 22、Glyph ofpenance now Reduces the cooldown ofpenance by 2 SEC.(苦修雕文现在降低你的苦修技能的冷却时间2秒。)
- 23、The man is black face a caught her, "you give mepenance, this becomes what".(男人黑着脸一把抓过她,“你给我道歉,这成何。)