


更新时间:2024-12-22 23:04:39

  • 1、I think it's another example of where both answers arejustifiable, and there's a matter of personal preference.(我想这也是公说公有理婆说婆有理的一个典型例子,完全取决于个人的偏好。)
  • 2、At such times, winning may dominate one's intellect, and every action, no matter how gross, may be consideredjustifiable.(在这种情况下,胜利可能会支配一个人的判断能力,使得无论多么粗野的行为,都可能被正当化。)
  • 3、It seems that while I am moving I feel it is ajustifiable mid-life crisis.(看起来,当我在行进的时候,能感受到中年危机是情有可原的。)
  • 4、Rudeness is ajustifiable way of showing you can no longer control the fury within.(粗鲁是一种合理的方式来表达您那超出控制范围的愤怒和不满。)
  • 5、there's nothing distinct. They promise no great value, benefit, or service—just “buy from us” for nojustifiable, rational reason.(他们没有保证提供非同寻常的价值,利益,或者服务——仅仅是高唱着“快来买我们的产品吧”没有任何理由。)
  • 6、Many adherents rule out nothing, including in their recommendations even GMOs and chemical fertilizers wherejustifiable.(许多拥护者不排除任何可能性,包括他们的推荐甚至GMOS和化肥也是合理的。)
  • 7、At least two of the three other absentees also hadjustifiable reasons for being away.(其他三个缺席者中至少两个人也有合理的缺席理由。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 8、"The public's concern over high sodium intake isjustifiable," Dr.Lin wrote in a 1978 memo.(“公众对高钠摄入量的关心是无可厚非的,”林博士在一份1978年的备忘录中写道。)
  • 9、Construction costs for ECC are much higher than for standard concrete, so your proposal is probably notjustifiable on economic grounds.(ECC的施工成本比标准混凝土高得多,所以从经济上讲你们的建议可能不合理。)
  • 10、Given the size of the slump, a temporary increase in the budget deficit isjustifiable.(鉴于经济的不景气的规模之大,临时增加的预算赤字可以理解。)
  • 11、The bitter reaction from the developer community wasjustifiable, and for some, the hard feelings have never really gone away.(来自开发人员社区的痛苦反应是有理由的,对于一些人而言,那种痛苦感觉从未真正走远。)
  • 12、Are component teams used only in limited and easilyjustifiable cases?(组件团队的结构是不是只在有限而且易于处理的情况下使用?)
  • 13、It assumes that the ways of God are in factjustifiable.(它假定上帝的做法是可以证明的。)
  • 14、A minimum window size may bejustifiable, but let people make Windows as large as they want.(最小的窗口大小可能是无可厚非的,但是要让人们能把窗口调整到他们所需要的大小。)
  • 15、Printing more money isjustifiable in the circumstances, but still a tool offering diminishing returns.(印钞票在这种情况下也无可厚非,但是采用这种办法的回报在减少。)
  • 16、When, if ever, is it morallyjustifiable to allow a patient to die?(假如可以的话,什么情况下允许病人放弃生命在道德上是正当的?)
  • 17、For the 26-year-old events organizer, losing his love to money wasjustifiable.(那个26岁的活动策划,觉得因为钱而失去了爱情是正常的。)
  • 18、The earnest reformers in Rwanda also takejustifiable pride in their accomplishments.(卢旺达热切的改革家们也完全有理由为他们取得的成绩感到自豪。)
  • 19、The rule isjustifiable on safety grounds.(出于安全方面的考虑,这一规定是合理的。)


英 [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪəbl] 美 [ˈdʒʌstəˌfaɪəbəl, ˌdʒʌstəˈfaɪ-] 

副词: justifiably 名词: justifiability

