


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:48:18

  • 1、A benign cystic lesion resembling a tumor, occurring in a tendonsheath or joint capsule.(鞘囊肿类似肿瘤的一种良性胞囊损伤,产生于鞘或联合囊内。)
  • 2、Our technique is done under direct visualization and trocarsheath in its position.(我们的技术是直接可视化及套管针鞘的位置。)
  • 3、The injury is actually the swelling of thesheath within which the cord slides.(这中伤痛实际上是跟腱鞘肿大。)
  • 4、"Let your repentance salt my shoe leather," I said presently, " and then, as I latelysheathed my blade of anger, sosheath you my blade of love."(“你的悔意只配擦我的皮鞋,”我当即就说,“方才我收起愤怒之剑时,也收起了对你的爱情之剑。”)
  • 5、He was arrested that evening when a nightclub doorman found him carrying a knifesheath and alerted the police.(一名夜总会的看门人看到他拿着刀后报警,当晚Ramsden就被逮捕了。)
  • 6、That all flesh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my sword out of hissheath: it shall not return any more.(一切有血气的就知道我耶和华已经拔刀出鞘,必不再入鞘。)
  • 7、Intrinsic safety type control cable with PE insulation, PVCsheath, Individual and General shielding.(聚乙烯绝缘,聚氯乙烯护套,分屏蔽和总屏蔽本安型控制电缆。)
  • 8、Sharp knifesheath to protect themselves, it is satisfied with its dull. — Tagore.(刀鞘保护刀的锋利,它自己则满足于它的迟钝。——泰戈尔。)
  • 9、Each is a transparentsheath of plastic 17-metres long, mostly underwater, held in place by a floating collar.(每个都是17米长的塑胶套子,大部分淹没于水下,由一个浮动的环状装置固定住。)
  • 10、Periodically measure insulation resistance, inspect motorsheath grounding.(定期测量绝缘电阻,检查机壳接地情况。)
  • 11、To draw from or as if from asheath or scabbard.(拔出从剑鞘或枪套中或仿佛从剑鞘或枪套中拔出。)
  • 12、Whenever there's a Nick or hairline crack in an insulationsheath, the electrical field in the underlying copper subtly shifts.(在绝缘套上只要出现缺口或者毛细裂缝,线缆里的铜周围的电场就会轻微改变。)
  • 13、Finally, remember myelination, where you sort of get this fattysheath over your neuron to make it more effective?(最后,回想一下髓鞘的形成,你会在哪里长出脂肪鞘,去包裹神经元,使得神经元更有效率)
  • 14、Note: cable approx weight is PVCsheath cable weight.(注电缆近似重量为聚氯乙烯护套电缆重量。)
  • 15、Thesheath prevents horrible things (badlynamed constants, incorrect types, etc.) in their code from infecting your code.(sheath可以阻止他们代码感染你们代码这种可怕的事发生(像差劲命名常量,错误类型之类)。)
  • 16、A benefit rings, lancesheath.(一声利响,长剑出鞘。)
  • 17、He pulled Goliath's sword from itssheath and cut off the giant's head.(他从剑鞘里拔出歌利亚的剑,把这个巨人的头切了下来。)
  • 18、Some even have valuable objects like diamonds or agates on the handle or thesheath.(一些更有有价值目的象钻石或者瑙在柄或者护套上一样。)
  • 19、He drew his sword from itssheath.(他拔剑出鞘。)
  • 20、One day after a trip to a faraway town, he handed me a knife andsheath, saying, “These are for you.(一天,他从一个远方小镇回来,递给我一把刀,“给你的。)
  • 21、Its researchers have turned them into a type of cell that produces the insulatingsheath around a nerve cell.(其研究人员已经把干细胞变成了一种在神经细胞周围产生绝缘护套的细胞。)
  • 22、Don't use a dollar store extension cord with a flimsy, thin rubbersheath to get power to your HDTV.(不要用从一元店买来的橡胶层又轻又薄的延长电缆去给你的高清电视供电。)
  • 23、The cables provided with different outersheath can't be tied together, if caused damage of other outersheath.(假如其它外护套破损,则不同外护套的电缆不能捆扎在一起。)
  • 24、And the LORD commanded the angel; and he put up his sword again into thesheath thereof.(耶和华吩咐使者,他就收刀入鞘。)


英 [ʃi:θ] 美 [ʃiθ] 

名词复数: sheaths 过去式: sheathed 过去分词: sheathed 现在分词: sheathing 第三人称单数: sheaths


