


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:39:41

  • 1、Tip out on to a floured board andknead until it is no longer sticky.(然后把它倒上一个撒上面粉的木板,揉到它不再粘黏为止。)
  • 2、When kittiesknead your lap or a surface near you, it means they're relaxed and content.(当猫咪轻抚你的大腿或者你身边某个物品的表面时,这意味着它很放松、满足。)
  • 3、Fear to see you, my heart again again of isknead ground.(怕见到你,我的心又会再一次的被捏碎。)
  • 4、That said, Iknead pizza dough for less time than I used to.(如上文所说,我揉匹萨面团的时间比原来要短。)
  • 5、You can use a bread machine if you have one, or you canknead the dough by hand.(如果你有面包机就用它来做,或者你用可以用手来揉面粉。)
  • 6、Having been long sitting there, I have toknead the lame muscles of my legs.(因为在那儿坐了很久,我不得不按摩我那僵硬的腿部肌肉。)
  • 7、The smile is faint, the light cloud,knead in sadness.(这笑也是淡淡的,轻云一样,揉在惆怅里。)
  • 8、In the front window, however, you can watch the cooksknead the buns and bake them on a coal-heated drum.(然而,在前面的窗户里,你可以看到厨师们揉捏小圆面包,然后在煤炉上烤着吃。)
  • 9、knead the dough on a floured surface.(在撒了面粉的案板上揉面团。)
  • 10、Then, the whole spectacle gets even worse when you have toknead germicide into the contents.(然后更糟糕的事是你必须自己动手把杀菌剂均匀的揉进那些东西中。)
  • 11、Pour the dough out andknead it for about 1 minute or until the dough is smooth.(将面团取出,揉一分钟左右直至表面光滑。)
  • 12、Scrape up dough andknead for 5 to 10 mins.(将生面团揣上五到十分钟。)
  • 13、knead the dough very lightly.(轻轻地揉面团。)
  • 14、I put on XianZi ladle, to learn the mother of appearance, give dumplingsknead on "lacy".(我把馅子舀上,学着妈妈的样子,给饺子捏上“花边”。)
  • 15、After checking my ankle, the bonesetterknead my ankle and ask me not to walk around.(接骨师检查我的脚踝之后,揉揉我的脚踝并告诉我不要到处乱走。)
  • 16、To make bread, you mustknead the dough first.(要做面包,你首先必须揉面团。)
  • 17、Lightlyknead the mixture on a floured surface.(在撒上面粉的台面上轻揉该混合物。)
  • 18、May add some water if the dough is too dry and hard, or difficult toknead.(若粉团过于硬或是干燥,可酌量加水同搓至粉团柔软适中为止。)
  • 19、I can let it go andknead the dough while I do other things.(它揉面的时候我可以去做别的事情。)
  • 20、Place dough on the floured board, andknead for approximately ten minutes.(把面团放在撒满面粉的砧板上,然后揉大约十分钟。)
  • 21、Do notknead the pastry at this point or it will be like concrete.(别在这个时候捏油酥面团,不然它会变得像混凝土那样硬。)
  • 22、Destroy,knead and win!(破坏,搓招和胜利!)
  • 23、Parents should notknead and shape their children to their own thoughts.(父母不应按照自己的想法塑造子女。)
  • 24、While you're waiting, would you pleaseknead the dough a little bit for me?(你等我的时候,等你帮我揉一下面团好吗?)
  • 25、If I can I wouldknead everything in my heart into today's departure.(如果我能,我愿把心底的一切揉进今天的离别。)
  • 26、Mix everything andknead well and truly.(全部混合均匀后,充分揉好面团。)
  • 27、Everyone to play, play doughknead into various animals and food.(大家玩得不亦乐乎,都把橡皮泥捏成各种动物和食物。)
  • 28、knead the dough to the right consistency.(把面团揉到适合的黏稠度。)
  • 29、Add some salt, water andknead properly.(加入一些盐,水并把面粉和匀。) 【hao86.com好工具】


英 [ni:d] 美 [nid] 

名词: kneader 过去式: kneaded 过去分词: kneaded 现在分词: kneading 第三人称单数: kneads

