


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:44:05

  • 1、Themagician waved his magic wand.(那个魔术师挥舞着他的魔棒。)
  • 2、The children's eyes goggled as themagician pulled a rabbit out of the empty hat.(当魔术师从空帽子中拉出兔子时,孩子们瞪大眼睛看着。)
  • 3、No, I don't cheat on you; I'm not amagician.(我没出千,我不是魔术师。)
  • 4、SNK increased the cost to $649 and changed the pack-in game to "magician Lord".(SNK将成本增加到649美元,并将游戏包里的游戏改为“魔术师领主”。)
  • 5、Themagician has declined to say exactly how the trick is performed.(魔术师拒绝透露该魔术背后的秘密。)
  • 6、But it may not take amagician or sorcery to furnish a room with just a box.(但是仅仅依靠一个魔术师或者一种巫术去用一个箱子来装饰房间大概是不可能的吧。)
  • 7、Love is themagician that pulls man out of his own hat.(爱情是魔法师,把人从自己的帽子中拉出来。)
  • 8、Themagician transformed the girl into a tiger.(魔术师把那个女孩变成了一头老虎。)
  • 9、The pitiful whipster were amagician!(那个可怜的傲慢的家伙是个魔术师!)
  • 10、Themagician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from a boy's mouth.(魔术师把硬币藏在掌中,然后突然从一个男孩的嘴里把它变出来。)
  • 11、Walks amagician.(行走着一位魔术大师。)
  • 12、One day, amagician came to the man and said to him, "I can make your son happy and turn his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price for telling him the secret."(一天,一个魔术师来到这个人跟前,对他说:“我可以让你的儿子高兴,让他一展愁眉露出微笑,但你必须为告诉他这个秘密付出巨大代价。”)
  • 13、Why do I call him amagician?(我为何称他为魔术师?)
  • 14、It was amagician who played magic.(它是一个会施魔法的魔法师。)
  • 15、And nomagician, either.(魔术师也消失了。)
  • 16、As well as being amagician of sorts, Lester had been a drunk.(就像作为魔术师一样,莱斯特也勉强算作一个酒鬼。)
  • 17、His father, an artist and streetmagician, died when he was very young.(他爸爸是一个街头艺人,从他很小就去世。)
  • 18、Even when Siegfried and Roy were around, Lance was the bestmagician in Vegas.(即使是齐格·弗里德和罗伊飞黄腾达时,兰斯也是维加斯最好的魔术师。)
  • 19、Themagician vanished in a puff of smoke.(魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了。)
  • 20、The audience would roar with laughter, angering themagician, but he couldn't do anything since it was the captain's prized parrot.(观众会哄堂大笑,这让魔术师很生气,但他又无可奈何,因为它是船长珍爱的鹦鹉。)
  • 21、Themagician took the boy into a secret room.(魔术师把男孩带进了一间密室。)
  • 22、The movie is preceded by "Presto Chango, " a new Pixar short about a disagreement over a carrot between amagician and his rabbit.(片尾的皮克斯短片《魔术师和兔子》讲述了魔术师和他的兔子在胡萝卜上产生分歧的故事。)
  • 23、The person to ask is amagician, somebody whose profession is to fool people and make it look like they can do things with magic.(要问的是魔术师,他们的职业是愚弄别人,让他们看起来好像可以用魔法做事情。)
  • 24、As amagician, his reputation spread all over the world.(作为一个魔术师,他的名声传遍世界各地。)
  • 25、We had hoped that the residentmagician who worked here through the summer would be able to help out, but they weren't keen on that idea.(我们本希望整个夏天都在这里工作的常驻魔术师能帮上忙,但他们对这个主意不感兴趣。)
  • 26、Themagician metamorphosed the frog into a prince.(巫师将青蛙变成了王子。)


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