


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:43:57

  • 1、But the Droid has its weak spots, and some of them areheartbreaking.(但是,Droid也有弱点,有些弱点甚至令人心碎。)
  • 2、We see Barker in his office, and the look of delight on his face is quiteheartbreaking.(我们在巴克的办公室里见到了他,他满脸的陶醉之情令人心碎。)
  • 3、That is aheartbreaking story.(这是一个令人心碎的故事。)
  • 4、And if she has a child, he will have your son's eyes and hisheartbreaking capacity for worry.(而且如果她有个孩子,他会有和你儿子一样的眼睛,和他一样懂事得让人心碎。)
  • 5、He was working so hard to play in this World Cup and it washeartbreaking to see him out.(他为了世界杯相当努力,但是看到他最后退出真是让人心碎。)
  • 6、I cannot wait to get away from here and that is aheartbreaking thing to say.(我迫不及待想要离开这里,说起来这真是件令人心碎。)
  • 7、That's the fact, aheartbreaking fact, but it's still a fact.(这就是事实,一个令人心碎的事实,但它仍然是一个事实。)
  • 8、This year we won't even be able to buy presents for our grandchildren. It'sheartbreaking.(今年我们甚至不能给孙辈们买礼物,这令人极度伤心。)
  • 9、He strums his guitar and sings, his voice so sweet that it'sheartbreaking.(他漫不经心地边弹边唱,声音如此甜美,令人心碎。)
  • 10、All kinds of reasons. Some areheartbreaking, others not so much.(各种各样的原因,有的令人心碎,有的则还不至于。)
  • 11、Yet, it is aheartbreaking loss for women and families.(然而,对于失去孩子的女性和家庭而言却是极度悲痛的事情。)
  • 12、Even moreheartbreaking for Louise, doctors told her it was likely that he would never speak.(令露易莎更加心碎的是,大夫告诉她他有可能永远不会说话。)
  • 13、Epstein relates aheartbreaking example from his own experience.(爱普斯坦从自己的经历中举出了一个令人心碎的例子。)
  • 14、I was wrong. Not only is training my dog outlandishly difficult, it is alsoheartbreaking.(我错了,真心错了,把这条狗狗训练成才,太**难了,我的小心心都碎了。)
  • 15、The quality of life and livability of these areas is reallyheartbreaking.(这些地方的生活质量和宜居性确实令人心碎。)
  • 16、The disaster in Japan is beyondheartbreaking and I want to do anything I can to help.(这次在日本发生的灾难让人心痛,我想做些力所能及的事情来帮助他们。)
  • 17、That prospect must beheartbreaking for many young men.(这种前景足以让许多年轻男人为之心碎。)
  • 18、Maybe the mostheartbreaking case of all was the one involving five-year-old Robert Turner .(所有案件中,也许最令人心碎的一起是有关5岁的孩子罗伯特•特纳RobertTurner。)
  • 19、It's both sweet andheartbreaking at the same time.(这是个既甜蜜又令人心碎的时刻。)
  • 20、No screen portrait of a king has ever been more stirring-heartbreaking at first, then stirring.(从没有哪一个国王的银幕形象如此激动人心——最初是令人心碎的,接下来便是激动人心。)
  • 21、But to see Michael Jackson faking it would have beenheartbreaking.(然而如果去看迈克尔·杰克逊弄虚作假,恐怕会令人心碎。)
  • 22、It washeartbreaking to Hillary, me, and countless others who loved her and followed her lead.(我、希拉里、其他无数爱她和以她为榜样的人都非常伤心。)
  • 23、"This is a painful andheartbreaking time," she said.(她说:“这是个令人痛苦和心碎的时刻。”)
  • 24、Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can beheartbreaking.(试图去帮助受伤、流离失所或生病的动物可能会令人心碎。)
  • 25、It'sheartbreaking to see him wasting his life like this.(看到他如此糟蹋自己的生命真让人心碎。)
  • 26、Themes expressed in these novels can be both inspirational andheartbreaking.(在这些小说中表达的主题是有启发性和冲击性的。)
  • 27、If you love programming, trying to do work you can be proud of in this situation isheartbreaking.(如果你热爱编程,那么在这种情况下如果你试图去做一些你想为之自豪的工作,只会令你心碎。)
  • 28、"My sessions with the kids areheartbreaking because of the severity of their illnesses," says Kruse.(“我与孩子们相处的经历令人心痛,因为他们都病情严重,”克鲁斯说。)
  • 29、It is aheartbreaking book, but not a depressing one.(这本书令人心碎,但不是阴沉郁结。)


英 ['hɑ:tbreɪkɪŋ] 美 [ˈhɑrtˌbrekɪŋ] 

副词: heartbreakingly

