


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:43:54

  • 1、I think we can do it in three steps that take less than 18 minutes over an eight-hourworkday.(我想这个仪式可以分三步进行,在一个8小时工作日里只占不到18分钟。)
  • 2、Many of us can't tell when our personal time ends and theworkday begins (or vice versa).(许多人并不知道私人时间什么时候结束,工作时间什么时候开始(反之亦然)。)
  • 3、In two previous posts, I described his enviousworkday.(在以前的两篇布告中,我表述过他令人羡慕的工作日。)
  • 4、This hands-on management approach often stretches hisworkday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.(这种事必躬亲的管理方法常常使他在工作日从早晨6:00一直工作到晚上11:00。)
  • 5、This may seem abnormal to people who try to crowbar as much as possible into everyworkday.(对于人们来说,在一个工作日塞进尽可能多的工作是不正常的。)
  • 6、Or better yet, what are your secrets to getting through the 8-hourworkday?(或者最好是你能不能告诉我你自己渡过8小时工作日的秘密?)
  • 7、For many men, the end of theworkday is a time to kick back.(对很多男人来说,下班后是放松的时候。)
  • 8、On a recent weekday she interrupted herworkday to take her son to the doctor.(最近一个工作日她忙里偷闲带儿子去看医生。)
  • 9、On the streets of Athens Thursday, normalworkday activity was muted.(周四在雅典街头,正常的工作日活动没有了。)
  • 10、Still, there have been times when herworkday was upended by a sick child.(尽管如此,有时她的工作日还是会因为孩子生病而被弄得一团乱。)
  • 11、The article includes the following graph showing "What happens on a greatworkday"(文章中还有一副图讲述了“一个完美的工作日是什么样的)
  • 12、I suggest mapping out your idealworkday, with blocks of time for certain types of tasks.(我建议你能设定出工作日程,根据特定的任务安排不同的时间。)
  • 13、When he left the office, that was it, theworkday was over.(他一离开办公室,工作日就这样结束了。)
  • 14、Music may calm the savage beast or, at least, make theworkday seem shorter.(音乐可以让凶猛的野兽平静,或者音乐至少可以让工作时间变短些。)
  • 15、The length of theworkday, for many workers, is defined by time.(对于许多工人来说,工作日的长度是由时间来定义的。)
  • 16、Use headphones if you'll be listening to them in the middle of theworkday.(如果你在工作中听音乐的话,最好使用耳机。)
  • 17、We've held on to thisworkday structure—but thanks to our digital devices, many employees never really clock out.(我们一直坚持这种工作日结构——但由于我们的数字设备,许多员工从来没有真正打卡下班。)
  • 18、B: It's 1.5 times forworkday overtime, and 2 times for weekends.(B:工作日加班是正常的1.5倍,周末是2倍。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 19、Allow an employee to shadow you during yourworkday.(让员工在工作日。)
  • 20、Create the idealworkday. What would your idealworkday be?(你认为一个理想的工作日是怎样的?)
  • 21、I feel guilty taking time out of myworkday to go to a job interview.(平时上班请假出去面试,我觉得有点内疚。)
  • 22、Amazon once saw spikes in traffic during theworkday lunch hours.(亚马逊曾经只在工作日的午餐时间达到流量最高峰。)
  • 23、1847 - The legalworkday in England is 10 hours.(1847年——英格兰法定工作日时间10小时。)
  • 24、To save the trouble of carrying them, her aunt had dressed her in her Sunday clothes over herworkday garments.(为了省去搬东西的麻烦,她的阿姨给在她平时穿的衣服外面又给她套上了节日穿的衣服。)


英 [ˈwɜ:kdeɪ] 美 [ˈwɜ:rkdeɪ] 


