
by sea

by sea造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 23:56:12

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的by sea的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条by sea的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了by sea的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Brian: Islands are surroundedby sea water fool!(布莱恩:岛的周围都是海水,傻瓜!) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 2、The country had also proved itself capable of long-distance explorationby sea.(中国也证明了自己长途海上探险的能力。)
  • 3、That sparked a soft-gold rushby sea.(这一发现引起了海上寻找软金子的热潮。)
  • 4、Please dispatch the TV sets we orderedby sea.(请海运我们订购的电视机。)
  • 5、Some 2.6m of the country’s 8m people depend on food aid that comesby sea.(在一个拥有800万人口的国度中,有260万人依赖来自海上运输过来的食物援助。)
  • 6、W:by sea or by air?(乘船还是乘飞机?)
  • 7、A fisherman whose family was livingby sea felt desperate at the moment.(大海边,一家渔民陷入了绝境之中。)
  • 8、MARTIN: Will you travelby sea or by air?(马丁:你们乘船去,还是乘飞机去?)
  • 9、'Voyage' refers specifically to long distance travelby sea.(voyage指的是航海的长距离旅行。)
  • 10、It allowed to be placed breadthways and transportedby sea and railways nonhazardous material.(它可横向放置,并可以水、陆运输无危险材料。)
  • 11、The island is surroundedby sea ice-swirling shapes of ghostly blue-gray.(色丹岛周围都是海冰——也就是图上鬼魅般的蓝灰色旋涡。)
  • 12、The first time my mother managed to escape to Britain,by sea and by air.(第一次入侵时我母亲设法乘船和坐飞机逃到了英国。)
  • 13、Antarctica is accessibleby sea for a few weeks in summer and expeditions usually aimed to arrive in January or February.(在夏季的某几个星期,人们可以乘船到达南极洲,而极地考察通常在1月或2月进行。)
  • 14、All raw material to this island nation must be importedby sea.(这片土地上需要的所有原料都必须从海外进口。)
  • 15、We are not impressedby sea cucumber chivalry.(我们并不会被海参骑士精神所感动。)
  • 16、There is growing support for the theory that migration took place much earlier,by sea, following a coastal route along Alaska and down the northwest coast.(越来越多的人支持这样一种理论,即移民发生得要早得多,是沿着阿拉斯加沿海路线,沿西北海岸而下通过海路进行的。)
  • 17、Kevin: We'd like to ship half the order by air and the restby sea.(凯文:一半用空运,剩下的一半用海运。)
  • 18、Almost all the world's freight goesby sea, rail, and road.(世界上几乎所有的货物都是通过海运、铁路和公路运输的。)
  • 19、Tristan has no airport and can only be reachedby sea.(特里斯坦没有机场,只有乘船抵达。)
  • 20、A: How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway orby sea?(你方将怎样发运货物,铁路还是海运?)
  • 21、Their sections had been prefabricated in Britain and then sentby sea.(桥梁的构件在英国制造,然后由海上运来。)
  • 22、Hotel "Crescent" will be like a "gateway" to those guests who arrive in the countryby sea and symbolize the rapidly growing economy of Azerbaijan.(“新月”酒店将成为那些从海上抵达阿塞拜疆的客人的“门户”,象征着阿塞拜疆经济的快速增长。)
  • 23、The cargo on board have been damagedby sea water.(船上的货物因水湿而残损。)
by sea基本释义

by sea

英 [bai si:] 美 [baɪ si] 

乘船; 由海路
