好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的behind bars的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条behind bars的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了behind bars的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、If charged and convicted, Mr Bradford could have spent 25 yearsbehind bars.(如果被指控并且罪名成立的话,布拉福德先生将会在监狱里度过25年。)
- 2、The children werebehind bars for nearly six months till the charge was quashed.(在罪名撤销之前,孩子被关在监狱长达六个月。)
- 3、By 2005 he wasbehind bars again.(2005年,他又一次入狱。)
- 4、Why do so many young black men languishbehind bars?(为什么那么多年轻黑人会在狱窗下度日?)
- 5、If they are unable to put up money for bail, they may bebehind bars for several weeks until a court appearance.(如果驾驶员无法支付保释金,那么将在看守所度过几周时间,直到出庭。)
- 6、Fisher wasbehind bars last night, charged with attempted murder.(由于被指控犯有谋杀未遂罪,费希尔昨晚进了监狱。)
- 7、But the number of peoplebehind bars suggests that the well of discontent will not easily be drained.(然而被拘押的人的数量显示不满并没有从源头上消失。)
- 8、Here, then, is a quick tour of what luxuries may await Breivikbehind bars.(这儿可以快速的浏览一下在栅栏后有哪些奢华在等待Breivik。)
- 9、Yet there are signs that Telly Hankton's reign of terror continues frombehind bars.(不过有迹象表明泰利·汉克顿的恐怖统治在狱中持续。)
- 10、Using narrow vertical pictures, our ace designer Bridget Tisdall somehow made it look as if they werebehind bars.(使用窄的垂直的图片,我们的王牌设计师BridgetTisdall以某种方式使其看起来好像他们都身陷囹圄。)
- 11、Recent history suggests, however, that all six will eventually end upbehind bars.(然而,近期的历史也表明这六个人最终都会入狱服刑。)
- 12、In fact, she has spent most of the past five yearsbehind bars, on trumped-up charges.(事实上,在过去5年的牢狱时光中,她大部分时间都被指控犯有伪造罪。) Hao86.com
- 13、The murderer is now safelybehind bars.(杀人犯现在被关在监狱里,不会再造成危险了。)
- 14、It would not be her last scam, or her last daybehind bars.(这不是她最后一次诈骗,也不是她最后一次进监狱。)
- 15、The judge will put himbehind bars for at least two years.(法官最少也会判他坐两年牢。)
- 16、Peoplebehind bars often dream of a better life/future.(关在监牢里的人往往梦想一个更好的生活/未来。)
- 17、"We want to see poachersbehind bars, not tigers," says World Bank President Robert Zoellick.(“我们希望看到偷猎者站在铁窗后面,而不是老虎,”世界银行行长罗伯特佐·利克说。)
- 18、Between the ages of 20 and 29, one black man in nine isbehind bars.(在20到29岁的黑人男性中,有九分之一正在狱中服刑。)
- 19、The certain prospect of spending a few daysbehind bars straight away made most of the probationers behave.(即刻关进监狱服刑几日的必然后果使大多数缓刑犯只得规规矩矩。)
- 20、Meanwhile a score of journalists working for a news agency in the same group were briefly putbehind bars.(与此同时,为一家新闻社工作的同一组的20名记者被关押了几天。)
- 21、He was caught by the police and ended upbehind bars.(他被警察逮捕,落了个锒铛入狱的下场。)
- 22、The victim's daughter was sentenced to 17 yearsbehind bars.(受害人的女儿被判17年有期徒刑。)
- 23、Such cuts, however, leave inmates less prepared to re-enter society and more likely to end upbehind bars again.(但是,这些措施只会让囚犯在重新融入社会时准备更不充分,很可能会再次走上被告席。)
- 24、The former world heavyweight champion was released on Monday after four monthsbehind bars for assault in the wake of a traffic accident last August.(这位前世界重量级冠军于周一获释,此前他因去年八月的交通事故而入狱四个月。)