


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:43:12

  • 1、"Askillful photographer can photograph anything well," he once insisted.(“老练的摄影师什么都可以拍,”他曾坚持道。)
  • 2、I like making things by hand because my mother is veryskillful, and I liked staying with her when I was young.(我喜欢亲手作一些东西,这是因为我母亲的手非常巧,而且我小的时候喜欢同她在一起。)
  • 3、A teacher who isskillful in delivering his lecture can undoubtedly inspire the mind of students.(一个授课熟练的老师毫无疑问会激发学生的灵感。)
  • 4、After a short time we caught a lot of crabs, for my brother was veryskillful at it.(一会儿以后,我们抓了很多螃蟹。因为我哥哥很擅长抓螃蟹。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 5、Military tactics areskillful.(兵法巧妙。)
  • 6、Deep into spring, winter is hanging on. Bitter andskillful in his.(在春天的深处,冬天还赖着不走。)
  • 7、Business people who have hired or worked with MBAs say those with the degrees often know how to analyze systems but are not soskillful at motivating people.(曾聘用或与管理学硕士共事的商界人士表示,那些拥有MBA学位的人往往知道如何对系统进行分析,但他们在激励他人方面却不那么熟练。)
  • 8、But he is also nimble andskillful.(但是他很灵巧,技术也很棒。)
  • 9、Like trained andskillful woodsmen, they approached without a sound.(像训练有素的伐木工一样,他们悄无声息地靠近了。)
  • 10、Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead toskillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words.(不断的练习对记忆有很大的影响,有助于熟练地弹奏钢琴,背诵诗歌,甚至阅读和理解这些单词。)
  • 11、Although there are manyskillful Braille readers, thousands of other blind people find it difficult to learn that system.(虽然现在有许多熟练的盲文读者,但还有成千上万的盲人认为学习盲文系统很困难。)
  • 12、She also imagined askillful closing argument and a winning trial.(她还设想了一个巧妙的结案陈词和一次胜诉的审判。)
  • 13、Yet, the third definition of the word 'engineering' is 'skillful or artful contrivance; maneuvering.'(第三种关于‘工程学’的定义是‘熟练的或者巧妙的发明创造;机动。)
  • 14、Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who wasskillful in raising as many as thousands of sheep.(昔有一人,巧于牧羊,其羊滋多,乃有千万。)
  • 15、Instead of making a direct request or demand, becomeskillful at the art of persuasion.(提出要求的时候不要太过直接,而是熟练的使用说服的艺术。)
  • 16、skillful disagreement without being disagreeable is a skill worth learning for the knowledge worker consultant.(有技巧地表达不同意见而不体现出不友好的态度,对咨询师这样的知识工作者来说,是一种非常值得学习的技能。)
  • 17、A smooth sea never made askillful mariner.(平静的大海决不能造就出熟练的水手。)
  • 18、Young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming moreskillful at separating fact from fiction in cyberspace.(在网络空间里,“数字时代”的年轻人确实越来越善于区分事实与虚构。)
  • 19、Aquarians usually have many different hobbies and are creative andskillful in many areas.(水瓶座的人有很多不同的兴趣爱好,在许多领域都富有创意和技能。)
  • 20、Instead he is just another veryskillful, cheating footballer.(但可惜他却成为了又一个技术娴熟的足球骗子。)
  • 21、With askillful movement he rounded the small fishing-boat.(他以灵巧的动作使小渔船调过头来。)
  • 22、As a young boy, Cajal had taken to drawing and painting, at which he became veryskillful.(当还是一个小男孩儿时,卡哈尔曾学习过绘画,并且对此很是擅长。)
  • 23、Both of them need to make their foreign purchases and outsourcing moreskillful and powerful.(它们在进行海外采购时应该更加注重技巧和实力。)
  • 24、And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; withskillful hands he led them.(于是他按心中的纯正,牧养他们,用手中的巧妙,引导他们。)
  • 25、The average person looks at it and thinks: how amazinglyskillful.(一般人看了会想:技巧真是熟练啊。)


英 ['skɪlfʊl] 美 [ˈskɪlfəl] 

副词: skillfully 名词: skillfulness

