好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的move in的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条move in的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了move in的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、We mustmove in a new direction.(我们必须要有新方向。)
- 2、And that the characteristics adult children look for when they begin the search are not necessarily the things that make a difference to the people who are going tomove in.(而且在刚开始探索社会时,这些刚成年的孩子们所追寻的特质并不一定能对这些即将进入社会的人产生重要的影响。)
- 3、Most of the rocksmove in the same direction as the dominant wind pattern from southwest to northeast.(大部分岩石的运动方向与主导风向一致,从西南向东北。)
- 4、In the end, the 1987 collapse suggested, the economy doesn'tmove in lockstep with stock prices.(最终,1987年股市大崩盘表明,经济与股价并不同步。)
- 5、The legsmove in a scissor action.(两腿像剪刀似地运动。)
- 6、For Cindy, the recession began when her husband was relocated to Rhinelander, Wisconsin, by his company, forcing the family tomove in a hurry.(对辛迪来说,当她的丈夫被公司安排到威斯康星州的莱茵兰德时,经济衰退就开始了,全家不得不匆忙搬家。)
- 7、Finally, it was time for us tomove in.(到了我们要搬到那的时候了。)
- 8、Peoplemove in groups whenever possible.(不管在什么场合,人们一队队地移动。)
- 9、Surprised she let youmove in.(我很惊讶她竟然让你搬进去。)
- 10、Shirley: Wish tomove in earlier.(雪莉:希望能早点搬进来。)
- 11、Next, I think you should go to each of the five student dormitories, choose the one you like best and ask if you canmove in there.(接下来,我想你应该去五个学生宿舍中的每个宿舍,挑一个你最喜欢的,然后问是否可以搬进去那里。)
- 12、In India, particularly outside cities, young women are expected tomove in with their husband's family when they get married.(在印度,尤其是在城市以外的地方,年轻女性被期望在结婚后搬进夫家。)
- 13、The place needed a good spring clean before we couldmove in.(那地方得来个大扫除,然后我们才能搬进去。)
- 14、Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people tomove in a southerly direction.(因为东面有冰的屏障,西面是太平洋,而且北面是人口稠密的地区,所以促使人们向南迁移的动力会更大。)
- 15、God doesmove in mysterious ways.(上帝确实以神秘的方式活动着。)
- 16、The driver would steer onto the highway andmove in normal fashion to a "transition" lane.(司机会把车开到高速公路上,然后按正常方式驶入“过渡”车道。)
- 17、I saw a curtainmove in the den.(我望见书房里的窗帘被人拉开。)
- 18、They appear to be okay, and they look good, and they're easy and cheaper for now, but when the stormsmove in, they crumble.(它们表面看起来还可以,而且现在看来十分方便和便宜,但是当暴风雨来临时,他们就崩溃了。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 19、The plane prepared tomove in for the kill.(飞机已作好击落敌机的准备。)
- 20、The Department of Health declared its intention to consider themove in November 2010 and consulted through 2012.(卫生部在2010年11月宣布有意考虑这一举措,并在2012年进行了磋商。)
- 21、"I ought to reconsider her offer tomove in," he mused.(“我应该重新考虑她搬进来的提议,”他若有所思地说。)
- 22、As youmove in, the outer courtyard, the outer enclosure of the sanctuary, bears a slightly higher degree of holiness.(当你搬进去的时候,外面的庭院,也就是圣所的外围,会有更高的神圣度。)
- 23、The larger, less fastidious feeders, the zebras,move in first; the choosier, smaller wildebeests come later; and the smallest species of all, Thomson's gazelle, arrives last.(体型较大、不太挑食的斑马最先进入;比较挑剔、身材苗条的牛羚随后出现;而最小的汤姆逊瞪羚,则落在最后。)
- 24、But some, and this is interesting, move straight west while some zigzag or evenmove in large circles.(但是有趣的是,其中有一些会朝西直线移动,而另外的则会曲折前行,或者甚至绕着大圈子移动。)
- 25、If thick cloudsmove in the opposite direction, it will rain.(如果行云方向相反、云层厚,天就要下雨。)
- 26、I want you tomove in now.(我要你们现在就行动。)
- 27、Once the fire has died out, the salvage team willmove in.(火一旦熄灭,抢救队就会进去。)