


更新时间:2024-12-29 23:28:19

  • 1、You gain selfmastery and self discipline.(能够自我主宰和自我掌控。)
  • 2、But you cannot hope to master anything unless you commit tomastery of one thing.(但除非你承诺要掌握某事,否则就永远没有希望掌握任何事。)
  • 3、You may never approach their level ofmastery, but they make for great inspiration.(你永不能达到它们的高度,但是它们对我们是极大的鼓舞。)
  • 4、Later, I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners helpless versusmastery oriented.(后来,我发展了一个更广泛的理论来区分无助型学习者和掌握型学习者。)
  • 5、The brain takes that long to assimilate all it needs to know to achieve truemastery.(大脑在经过如此长的时间后,能够吸收所需要的一切因素以精通某事。)
  • 6、Theirmastery was more lucrative than ever, and it was emulated around the globe.(他们的高超技术,甚至比往昔更加获利丰厚,并且成为全世界争相效仿的对象。)
  • 7、In addition to theirmastery of forging passports, at least three of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were here on expired visas.(除了精通伪造护照之外,9·11事件的19名劫机者中,至少有3人的签证已经过期。)
  • 8、Themastery oriented children, on the other hand, think intelligence is not fixed and can be developed through education and hard work.(另一方面,掌握型儿童认为智力不是固定的,可以通过教育和努力来发展。)
  • 9、These stages describe a path from learning tomastery.(这些阶段描绘了从学习到掌握的途径。)
  • 10、mastery of any discipline does not happen at once.(对于任何的规程的掌握都不是一次完成的。)
  • 11、She hasmastery of several languages.(她精通数门语言。)
  • 12、But still you should try to complementmastery rather than ability.(不过您还是应该多夸奖孩子付出的努力,而不是他的天赋。)
  • 13、Web development requires amastery of several very different languages.(Web开发需要掌握几种差别很大的语言。)
  • 14、He doesn't havemastery of the basic rules of grammar.(他没有掌握基本的语法规则。)
  • 15、Practice of asana increases one'smastery of both mind and body.(Asana的练习会增强人对自我身心的控制。)
  • 16、More than likely, you can improve and accomplishmastery.(因为更可能的是,你能提高自己来获取能力。)
  • 17、mastery of this line at work is key to proving your worth to those around you.(在工作中掌握好这条界线是在身边的同事中证明自身价值的关键。)
  • 18、The focus on doing quality work promotesmastery.(对做好质量工作的关注促进了精通。)
  • 19、You also need to develop some degree of inner detachment andmastery over your mind.(同时,你需要对大脑进行一定程度的分遣和掌握。)
  • 20、Remember thatmastery of any art or skill takes time.(你须谨记任何技术技能的掌握都是需要时间的。)
  • 21、The road tomastery is an accumulative one.(规程的掌握是一个积累的过程。)
  • 22、Similarly, the late Uruk period shows the first monumental art, relief, and statuary in the round, made with a degree ofmastery that only a professional could have produced.(同理,在乌鲁克晚期首次出现了丰碑级别的艺术、浮雕和塑像,其精湛程度只有专业人士才能完成。)
  • 23、Seek the path of selfmastery.(找寻自我控制、管理之道。)
  • 24、In the Big Threeof self, culture, and world, integralmastery starts with self.(在自我、文化和世界的三大理论中,整合的能力从自我开始。)
  • 25、Hismastery of the issues is less assured.(他对问题的把握不那么确信。)


英 [ˈmɑ:stəri] 美 [ˈmæstəri] 

名词复数: masteries

