- 1、They'll give you a whole new perspective on your Minecraft worlds as youfloat around free as a bird.(它们会给你一个全新的视角观赏你的世界,像鸟儿一样自由漂浮。)
- 2、The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called plates, whichfloat on a soft plastic layer of rock.(人们认为地壳分成了巨大的、可移动的部分,称为板块,这些板块漂浮在柔软可塑的岩石层上。)
- 3、They could travel through the air,float in water, and lie dormant for many months.(它们可以在空中飞行,漂浮在水里,还可以休眠好几个月。)
- 4、The forward movement, the melting at the base of the glacier where it meets the ocean, and waves and tidal action cause blocks of ice to break off andfloat out to sea.(冰川的向前移动,其底部与海洋接触处的融化,还有波浪和潮汐运动,导致冰块断裂,漂浮到海上。)
- 5、Scientists wanted to know how red fire antsfloat.(科学家们想知道红火蚁是如何实现漂浮的。)
- 6、I'llfloat the skiff down there, and I'll pull it back again all by myself.(我让小艇浮在那儿,然后自己把它拉回来。)
- 7、All are slowly moving because the platesfloat on a denser semi-liquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth's core.(所有板块都在缓慢移动,因为它们漂浮在密度更大的半液态地幔上,也就是地壳和地核之间的那一层。)
- 8、John was treading the air mechanically, and Michael without knowing how tofloat wasfloating.(约翰机械地踩着空气,迈克尔本不知道如何漂浮,现在却正漂浮着。)
- 9、It spreads primarily by underground stems; colonies form when pieces of the root system or whole plantsfloat into an area and take root or when seedsfloat into a suitable area and germinate.(它主要通过地下茎传播;当根系统碎片或整个植物漂浮到一个区域并生根,或当种子漂浮到一个合适的区域并发芽时,菌落就形成了。)
- 10、Spores light enough tofloat on the breezes were carried thousands of miles from more ancient lands and deposited at random across the bare mountain flanks.(轻到能在微风中漂浮的孢子从更古老的地方被带到数千英里外,随意沉积在光秃秃的山侧。)
- 11、Saturn has a density of only 0.7 that of water, which means that Saturn wouldfloat in water.(土星的密度只有水的0.7倍,也就是说土星可以浮在水上。)
- 12、If the Gulf states move to a single currency, as they plan to in the next few years, that currency should surelyfloat.(如果这些海湾国家打算实行单一货币,就像他们在未来几年中计划的那样,那么这种货币也必将是可浮动的。)
- 13、Can youfloat on your back?(你能仰浮吗?)
- 14、If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able tofloat on the sea?(如果钢比水重,为什么船能在海上漂浮?)
- 15、float glass is sold by the square metre, and at the final stage computers translate customer requirements into patterns of cuts designed to minimise waste.(浮法玻璃按平方米出售,在最后阶段,电脑将客户的要求转化为旨在减少浪费的切割模式。)
- 16、If it's made of wood it willfloat.(这要是木材做的就能浮在水面上。)
- 17、I hope he can help me withfloat.(我希望他能帮助我漂浮。)
- 18、"I was below deck, " he said, "a bunch of bananas belonging to other passengers helped mefloat until I found a lifeboat."(“我当时在甲板下面,”他说,“其他乘客带上船的一大串香蕉都帮助我一直飘浮在水面上,直到我发现一个救生船。”)
- 19、Theyfloat the logs down the river to the towns.(他们把原木沿河漂流至城镇。)
- 20、float plants today make glass of near optical quality.(如今浮法工厂制造的玻璃具有近乎光学的品质。)
- 21、They will alsofloat if you drop them in the water.(如果你把它们丢进水里,它们也会浮起来。)
- 22、Mostfloat on water only a short time before they tire, sink, and drown.(大多数浮在水面上的时间很短,之后它们就会疲劳、下沉、淹死。)
- 23、A fresh egg will sink and an old egg willfloat.(新鲜鸡蛋会下沉,旧鸡蛋会浮起来。)
- 24、These plantsfloat on the surface of the water.(这些植物漂浮在水面上。)
- 25、You would have to raise everything about 30 centimeters once every 30 years, so why not make the job easier by making houses that canfloat.(你每30年就得把每样东西提高30厘米左右,那么为什么不建造一座可以漂浮的房子来简化这项工作呢。)
- 26、Thefloat process for making flat glass was invented by Alistair Pilkington.(制造平板玻璃的浮法工艺是由阿利斯泰尔·皮尔金顿发明的。)
- 27、There wasn't enough water tofloat the ship.(水不够深,船浮动不起来。)
- 28、On January 15th Brazil was forced tofloat its currency.(1月15日巴西被迫让其货币自由浮动。) haO86.com