


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:24:07

  • 1、I make it ten pounds forty-three youowe me. Let's call it ten pounds.(我算下来你欠我十英镑四十三便士。就算作十英镑吧。)
  • 2、Iowe a debt of thanks to Joyce Thompson, whose careful and able research was of great help.(我欠乔伊斯·汤普森一份感谢之情,他谨慎杰出的研究是极大的帮助。)
  • 3、Iowe a debt of gratitude to all my family.(我很感激我的全家人。)
  • 4、You'd make a U-turn and then I'dowe you a lot more money.(你要是来个180度大转弯,我就会欠你更多的钱。)
  • 5、And then there's the little matter of the fifty pounds youowe me.(还有件小事儿,你欠我五十英镑呢。)
  • 6、Weowe all the heroes who sacrificed their lives for peace gratitude and respect.(我们应该给予所有为和平而献出生命的英雄感恩和尊重。)
  • 7、I have every intention of paying her back what Iowe her.(我一心想把我欠她的还给她。)
  • 8、I'll have to settle up what Iowe for the phone.(我得付清所欠的电话费。)
  • 9、Iowe the restoration of my hearing to this remarkable new technique.(我把我听力的复原归功于这项非凡的新技术。) (好工具
  • 10、Youowe me four pounds, but I have your watch, so we'll cry quits.(你欠我4镑,我得了你的表,那么我们就两相抵消吧。)
  • 11、The reformsowe a great deal to the resolution of one man.(这些改革主要归功于一个人的坚定决心。)
  • 12、Youowe me a favour!(你还欠我个人情哪!)
  • 13、Iowe everything to him.(我的一切都归功于他。)
  • 14、I'll repay the money Iowe them next week.(我将在下个星期偿还欠他们的钱。)
  • 15、Iowe him nothing.(我不欠他什么。)
  • 16、Iowe it to them.(这是我欠他们的。)
  • 17、Youowe me 27 dollars? Make it 30, that's a good round number.(你欠我27元?凑到30吧,讨个整数好记。)
  • 18、I can't go; Iowe it to him to stay.(我不能走,为了他我该留下来。)
  • 19、Fast food such as KFC mayowe their popularity to the fact that there is usually little waiting.(像肯德基这样的快餐之所以受欢迎也许要归功于这样一个事实,那就是等餐的时间短。)
  • 20、One social class does notowe anything to another, and we should not feel guilty about pursuing financial interests.(一个社会阶层对另一个并没有亏欠,而且我们也不必为追求经济利益感到内疚。)
  • 21、Iowe so much to it.(我欠它太多了。)
  • 22、I think youowe us an explanation.(我认为你应当给我们一个解释。)
  • 23、How much do Iowe you for the groceries?(买这些杂货我得给你多少钱?)
  • 24、Perhaps weowe these people more respect.(也许我们应该给予这些人更多的尊敬。)
  • 25、Youowe a certain person a sum of money.(你欠着某人一笔钱。)
  • 26、I don't want to press the point , but you doowe me $200.(我不想老提这一点,但你确实欠我200元钱。)
  • 27、Iowe him an apology for I have hurt him deeply.(我欠他一个道歉,因为我深深地伤害了他。)
  • 28、Add up all the money Iowe you.(把我欠你的钱全部加起来。)
  • 29、As a musician Iowe much to the radio station in my home town.(作为一名音乐家,我非常感激我家乡的广播电台。)


英 [əʊ] 美 [oʊ] 

过去式: owed 过去分词: owed 现在分词: owing 第三人称单数: owes

