
adjust to

adjust to造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 22:38:12

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的adjust to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条adjust to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了adjust to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、In part, this stress can be attributed to the overlords' failure toadjust to a rapidly expanding economy, but the stress was also due to factors beyond the overlords' control.(在一定程度上,这种压力可以归结为霸主未能适应快速扩张的经济,但这种压力也是由霸主无法控制的因素造成的。)
  • 2、You'll naturallyadjust to an earlier bedtime after a few days.(过不了几天,你晚上就会自然早睡了。)
  • 3、Let your bodyadjust to the temperature.(让你的身体渐渐适应水的温度。)
  • 4、Others need people to use them andadjust to them.(其它的则需要人们去使用和适应它们。)
  • 5、The study speculated, having a white roommate helps academically prepared black studentsadjust to a predominantly white university.(研究推测,对于在学业方面有所准备的黑人学生来说,或许拥有一位白人室友可以帮助他们进行调节,以适应一所白人占主导地位的大学。)
  • 6、Both require strict dedication in the beginning toadjust to.(都需要在刚开始的时候要严格遵守计划要求来适应。)
  • 7、Mr Bush has moved swiftly to try toadjust to this more hostile world.(布什动作迅速,试图作出调整以适应这敌意更甚的世界。)
  • 8、It took a while for his eyes toadjust to the dimness.(过了好一阵他的眼睛才适应了这昏暗的地方。)
  • 9、Youadjust to not thinking about the formatting of your content.(您要适应不考虑内容的格式。)
  • 10、They power a blade in the water that the pilot canadjust to reduce drag.(他们在水中为一个划片供能,因此驾驶者可以调整以降低拖力。)
  • 11、Companies will buy or sell assets as theyadjust to the new requirements.(在根据市场需要调整方向时,防务公司会购买新的资产,或者出售旧的资产。)
  • 12、So by listening for signals, our cells canadjust to these changes.(因此通过侦听这些信号,我们的细胞能够调控这些变化。)
  • 13、We need toadjust to this changing climate.(我们需要适应这种不断变化的气候。)
  • 14、Men need toadjust to dancing with a partner who has equally big hands.(男人们要适应和一个有着与自己同样大手的舞伴一起跳舞。)
  • 15、There may be a period of disequilibrium as family membersadjust to the new baby.(家庭成员对新婴儿可能有个比较混乱的适应期。)
  • 16、How did youadjust to college life?(你是怎么适应大学生活的?) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 17、It took her a while toadjust to living alone.(她过了一段时间才适应独自生活。)
  • 18、So what can you do toadjust to the daily realities of living with a stepparent?(为了适应每天与继父或继母一起的生活,你能做些什么?)
  • 19、The challenge for Europe is toadjust to this new reality.(欧洲面临的挑战是要适应这一新的现实。)
  • 20、Your body will have toadjust to the new bed.(身体必须慢慢适应新床垫。)
  • 21、Your dreams may change, though, as you begin toadjust to a loss.(当你开始自我调整时,梦也开始产生变化。)
  • 22、The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential toadjust to increased environmental pressures.(沙漠边缘的半干旱土地处于非常脆弱的生态平衡之中,而这些半干旱区域对于持续增加的环境压力的适应能力极其有限。)
  • 23、If you change the grasp, it canadjust to that.(如果你改变抓法,他能适应他。)
  • 24、It's how fast theyadjust to the target.(表示着向目标调整的速率。)
  • 25、I hope that you will soonadjust to this new environment.(我希望你能很快适应这种新环境。)
  • 26、All this makes it harder toadjust to the new and difficult reality we face.(所有这些使得我们在面对新的困难的现实时更加难于调整。)
adjust to基本释义

adjust to

英 [əˈdʒʌst tu:] 美 [əˈdʒʌst tu] 

适应; 调节
