- 1、I have a wholebunch of stuff to do this morning.(我今天上午有一大堆活儿。)
- 2、There is abunch of people willing to supply electricity(有一群人愿意提供电力。) Hao86.com
- 3、A hugebunch of kids came stampeding down the corridor.(一大群孩子顺着走廊涌了过来。)
- 4、She was given a hugebunch of flowers.(有人给她送了一大束花。)
- 5、Lili had fallen asleep clutching a fatbunch of grapes.(莉莉手里抓着一大串葡萄睡着了。)
- 6、She picked me abunch of flowers.(她给我采了一束鲜花。)
- 7、I've got abunch of books.(我有一堆书。)
- 8、Heidi, immediately gathering a largebunch, put them in Clara's lap.(海蒂立刻拿了一大束,把它们放在克拉拉的腿上。)
- 9、My gang was nothing more than abunch of kids seeking excitement and danger.(我的帮派无非就是一群寻找兴奋和危险的小孩。)
- 10、Fast-food firms have to be a thick-skinnedbunch.(快餐公司必须由一群厚脸皮的家伙经营。)
- 11、Let's take solid salt, and dissolve it in abunch of liquid water.(让我们把食盐固体,溶解在一堆液态水里。)
- 12、He had left a hugebunch of flowers in her hotel room.(他在她的宾馆房间里留了一大束花。)
- 13、They had welded abunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force.(他们把一群未经训练的新兵组织成了一支有战斗力的部队。)
- 14、Her latest movie is abunch of crap.(她最近的一部电影很糟糕。)
- 15、That saved me a wholebunch of money.(那给我节省下一大笔钱。)
- 16、These guys destroyed the company. They're all abunch of greedy pigs.(这些家伙毁了公司。他们是一群贪婪的猪。)
- 17、They paused, where an ancient gaoler sat fingering abunch of mighty keys.(他们停了下来,一个年老的狱卒坐在那儿,手里摆弄着一串很大的钥匙。)
- 18、They're a greatbunch of guys.(他们是一群很棒的小伙子。)
- 19、He took abunch of keys from the pocket of his old corduroy trousers.(他从他那条破旧的灯心绒裤子口袋里掏出了一串钥匙。)
- 20、A beautifulbunch of wondrously blue gentians stood as if they had grown there.(那儿放着一束美丽的深蓝色龙胆花,仿佛它们就生长在那里。)
- 21、Behind every successful parent, there is abunch of surprised offspring.(每个成功的父母的背后,都有一群让人惊奇的后代。)
- 22、They're abunch of morons.(他们是一群蠢货。)
- 23、We were a pretty inexperiencedbunch of people really.(我们实际上是一群相当没有经验的人。)
- 24、He had taken a ragbagbunch of men and turned them into a fighting force.(他汇集了一群杂七杂八的人,把他们变成了一只战斗部队。)
- 25、Calling them abunch of capricious kids with half-formed ideas does them an injustice.(把他们称作一群懵懂无知、喜怒无常的孩子是冤枉了他们。)
- 26、You're all abunch of bums.(你们这伙人是一帮无赖。)
- 27、There was abunch of kids waiting and zillions of reporters.(有一群小孩在等着,还有无数记者。)
- 28、George took out abunch of keys and went to work on the complicated lock.(乔治掏出一串钥匙,去设法开这把复杂的锁。)
- 29、Abunch of kids were hanging around outside.(一群年轻人在外面到处游逛。)
- 30、I don't want abunch of nerds telling me whether to take a limo or not. That's all chickenshit.(我可不要一群讨厌鬼来告诉我要不要去坐豪华轿车。那些都是废话。)