


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:23:43

  • 1、They will beguile anunwary reader who does not happen to know that they are part of the fiction.(它们将会诱骗了那些不警惕的读者,使他们不知不觉也成了虚构中的一部分了。)
  • 2、Tax can be a minefield for theunwary.(粗心大意的人在纳税方面很容易出错。)
  • 3、Other romance guides blissfully skirt around this important tip, potentially leading theirunwary followers to a fatal misstep.(有些浪漫想到一个不注意便绕过了这个重点,不经意地导致了致命错误。)
  • 4、Theunwary seeker can also become too entranced by expert pronouncements.(不设防的快乐追求者可能也会被专家的言论所迷惑。)
  • 5、There are still traps for theunwary.(对于粗心的人来说仍然有许多困难。)
  • 6、unwary people treat this file as a picture, and blindly double-click to open it, thus running the executable.(粗心的人就会把这个文件当成一个图片,轻率的双击打开它,实际上是运行了一个可执行文件。)
  • 7、Social media is a minefield for theunwary.(但社交网站是还那些粗心大意者的雷区。)
  • 8、Specialist subjects are full of pitfalls for theunwary.(专业课程里充满了欺骗不警觉的人的陷阱。)
  • 9、This code, simple as it is, is a trap waiting to ensnare theunwary developer.(以上代码实际上很简单,但却是一个等待粗心的开发人员掉进去的陷阱。)
  • 10、With its quicksands the river usually drowns a fewunwary visitors every season.(这条有流沙的河每季都要淹死一些不警觉的游客。)
  • 11、CLATTERING keyboards may seem the white noise of the modern age, but they betray more information thanunwary typists realise.(现如今,键盘发出的噼啪声似乎是一种白噪声,然而它们泄露的信息却远远超出疏忽大意的输入者的认知范围。)
  • 12、Another way that listeners can make trouble forunwary event sources is throwing an unchecked exception.(对于不小心的事件源,侦听器会造成麻烦的另一个方式是:抛出未检测的异常。)
  • 13、For savingunwary mountaineers and skiers.(为救大意的登山者和滑雪者。)
  • 14、The cars will have a top speed of just 25mph and a front end made of soft foam to cushionunwary pedestrians.(无人驾驶汽车最高车速仅为25英里每小时,其前端由软泡沫材料制造而成,可缓冲粗心的行人。)
  • 15、Anunwary space voyager ensnared by a black hole will never be seen to enter it, but only to become frozen to its surface.(永远不会看到,被黑洞捕捉住的粗心的宇宙旅行者进入黑洞,而只是看见他被冻结在黑洞的表面上。)
  • 16、Any part of the design could be a magic rune, ready to unleash its power upon the careless orunwary.(图案覆满了各种魔法符号,随时准备将能量释放到无知或粗心大意者的身上。)
  • 17、Anunwary pedestrian is much more likely to be struck by a car than one who looks both ways and crosses with the light.(一个不小心的行人比一个过路看看来往车与遵守交通灯号的人更有可能被车撞到。)
  • 18、The stock market is full of traps for theunwary.(对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。)
  • 19、Faerie is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for theunwary and dungeons for the overbold.(仙境是危险的,陷阱处处,地牢遍布,粗心大意行事鲁莽的人们常会深陷其中。)
  • 20、I remember C being like Adventure for programmers: lots of little pits for theunwary to fall into.(我记得C语言就是程序员的冒险:有很多小坑,一不小心就陷进去。)
  • 21、"We tell them we only have cold rooms," Teramura quips when asked how his staff respond tounwary lovers looking for a room.(在被问及他的员工如何答复那些想订房间的粗心情侣时,寺村俏皮地说道:“我们告诉他们这里只有冰冷的房间。”)
  • 22、The nature of spoken audio on computer systems is such that there are many traps to catch theunwary. Among these traps are.(计算机系统上的音频本质上存在许多陷阱。)
  • 23、We can't getunwary just because nothing unusual has cropped up.(不能因为没发生什么问题就麻痹大意起来。)
  • 24、Problems often slip byunwary developers, but problems slip by the experts, too.(问题常会从粗心的工作人员身边溜过,但是问题也会从专家身边滑过。)
  • 25、In the right circumstances it is a powerful tool especially against theunwary.(在适当的场合它可是对付你的粗心大意的强有力的工具。)
  • 26、The current cycle will lead theunwary to ruin, he says, “We are in a long-term bear market that started in 2000.(目前的这个周期将导致不警觉之中的崩溃,他说:“我们是在2000年开始的长期熊市中。”)


英 [ʌnˈweəri] 美 [ʌnˈweri] 

副词: unwarily 比较级: unwarier 最高级: unwariest 名词: unwariness

