- 1、Petrol is a volatilesubstance.(汽油是挥发性物质。)
- 2、Anysubstance is made of atom. Whether it is solid, liquid or gas.(任何物质都是由原子构成的。无论是固体、液体还是气体。)
- 3、The gooeysubstance produced by mixing cornstarch with a little water is a commonplace example of such material.(玉米淀粉和少量水混合后产生的粘稠物质就是这种物质的常见例子。)
- 4、The response generally lackssubstance beyond expression of very basic ideas.(这种回应除了表达非常基本的想法,一般都缺乏实质内容。)
- 5、Caffeine, asubstance found in coffee and some soft drinks, is also a drug.(咖啡因,一种存在于咖啡和一些软饮料中的物质,也是一种毒品。)
- 6、Thesubstance polymerizes to form a hard plastic.(这种物质聚合形成坚硬的塑料。)
- 7、Propolis is a hard resinoussubstance made by bees from the juices of plants.(蜂胶是蜜蜂用植物汁液合成的像树脂一样的坚硬物质。)
- 8、Clay is a plasticsubstance.(黏土是可塑物质。)
- 9、Nosubstance that has the power to do this is completely safe.(任何有能力做到这一点的物质都不是完全安全的。)
- 10、Caffeine, the stimulant in coffee, has been called "the most widely used psychoactivesubstance on Earth".(咖啡中的咖啡因因被称为“地球上使用最广泛的精神活性物质”。)
- 11、Thissubstance has now been cloned by molecular biologists.(这种物质现已被分子生物学家克隆。)
- 12、There is no consensus among researchers regarding what qualifies asubstance as a pheromone.(对于什么物质能被称为是信息素,研究人员并没有达成共识。)
- 13、Every chemicalsubstance is a key to the gates of heaven and hell.(每一种化学物质都是一把打开天堂和地狱之门的钥匙。)
- 14、The infinitely adaptablesubstance has its dark side.(这种具有极强适应性的物质也有其黑暗的一面。)
- 15、Thissubstance has an affinity for water.(这物质和水有亲和力。)
- 16、A drug is a chemicalsubstance.(药物是一种化学物质。)
- 17、Nothing of anysubstance was achieved in the meeting.(会议没有取得任何实质性成果。)
- 18、Everysubstance, no matter what it is, is composed of very small particles called molecules.(各种物质,不论它是什么,都是由一些称为分子的很小的粒子构成的。)
- 19、Tears shed because of exposure to cut onion would contain no suchsubstance.(因为接触切洋葱而流的眼泪就不会含有这种物质。)
- 20、Genius and giftedness are relative descriptive terms of no realsubstance.(天才和天赋只是对没有实质内容事物的相对描述。)
- 21、To this class ofsubstance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc.(属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 22、As I said, it's a particularly hazardoussubstance and is worked with in fume hoods.(就像我说过的,这是尤其有害的物质,在通风柜中才能用。)
- 23、It makes up the body andsubstance of all musical activity.(它构成了所有音乐活动的主体和实质。)
- 24、It's questionable whether anything ofsubstance has been achieved.(是否已取得任何实质性的进展值得质疑。)
- 25、There is somesubstance in what he says.(他的话是有一定根据的。)
- 26、We can distinguish one kind ofsubstance from another by its properties.(我们可以根据物质的特性把一种物质与另一种物质辨别开来。)
- 27、The bag is attached to a spout and filled with a powderedsubstance that turns into a gel.(这种袋带有一个喷嘴,里面装满了一种能够变成胶状的粉末物质。)
- 28、This addition of a chemically precipitatedsubstance into pore spaces is termed "permineralization".(这种化学沉淀物质进入孔隙的过程被称为“完全矿化”。)
- 29、Rather than portraying landscape, land artists used the physicalsubstance of the land itself as their medium.(地景艺术家使用土地本身的物质作为媒介,而不是描绘风光。)
- 30、How can such asubstance have an effect on the body?(这样的一种物质是如何对人体产生影响的呢?)