


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:23:44

  • 1、Since this is a concavefunction, it's not just the expected value.(由于这是一个凹函数,它不仅仅是期望值。)
  • 2、This design aims for harmony of form andfunction.(这个设计旨在使形式和功能协调一致。)
  • 3、The mainfunction of the investment banks is to raise capital for industry.(各投资银行的主要作用是为产业筹集资金。)
  • 4、Thus far, the problem sets have mostly focused onfunction.(迄今,问题集主要集中在功能上。)
  • 5、Nursery schools should fulfil thefunction of preparing children for school.(幼儿园应该起到为儿童进小学作准备的作用。)
  • 6、Thefunction of the ear is to listen.(耳的功能是听。)
  • 7、In this case, you have only one operation and, therefore, only onefunction.(在本例中,您只有一个操作,因此也只有一项职能。)
  • 8、If it is not supported, then you simply return from thefunction.(如果它不受支持,那么您只需要从函数返回。)
  • 9、Thisfunction allows you to cut and paste text.(本功能可使你剪切并粘贴文本。)
  • 10、Might it not be better to relegate the king to a purely ceremonialfunction?(使该国王降级到一种纯粹礼仪性的职能难道不更好吗?)
  • 11、In this case, it is creating afunction called divisible-by-3-or-5.(在本例中,它创建了一个名为divisible-by-3-or-5的函数。)
  • 12、Their principalfunction was to provide funds for the state.(他们的主要职责是为国家提供资金。)
  • 13、What is this concept that form should followfunction?(形式应遵循功能的概念是怎么回事?)
  • 14、Thefunction of the heart is to pump blood through the body.(心脏的功能就是把血液输往全身。)
  • 15、Therefore, cannabinoids probablyfunction to stimulate the appetite.(因此,大麻素可能起到刺激食欲的作用。)
  • 16、What is thefunction of the sensors printed on plant leaves by MIT engineer?(麻省理工学院的工程师在植物叶子上印的传感器有什么功能?)
  • 17、Fulfill the Eagle Eyefunction in Electronic Chart Display System.(实现电子海图显示系统中的鹰眼功能。)
  • 18、An engine has many parts, each performing a differentfunction.(一部发动机有很多部件,各自行使不同的功能。)
  • 19、His remarks highlighted his ownfunction.(他的话突出了他自己的作用。)
  • 20、A majorfunction of self-help networks is financial support.(自助网络的一个主要功能是提供经济支持。)
  • 21、The family has the importantfunction of socializing children.(家庭有教孩子适应社会的重要作用。)
  • 22、The Science and Technology Association served thefunction of a go-between.(科学技术协会发挥了穿针引线的作用。)
  • 23、Certainly, I am interested in astronomical and calendarfunction.(当然,我对天文和历法的功能很感兴趣。)
  • 24、You can also call any command orfunction at the prompt.(您还可以在提示符下调用任何命令或函数。)
  • 25、I simply have isolated that module inside of thatfunction.(我只需把这个模块加到函数中去。)
  • 26、A typical PDA canfunction as a mobile phone and a personal organizer.(一部典型的个人数字助理可以兼具手机和个人记事簿功能。)
  • 27、Breathing is an automaticfunction of the body.(呼吸是一种无意识的身体功能。)


英 [ˈfʌŋkʃn] 美 [ˈfʌŋkʃən] 

形容词: functionless 过去式: functioned 过去分词: functioned 现在分词: functioning 第三人称单数: functions


