好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的come across的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条come across的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了come across的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Wolves cannot climb a tree so when youcome across one, hide on the tree.(狼不会爬树,所以当你遇到一只时,躲到树上。)
- 2、Icome across penguins.(我遇到了一群企鹅。)
- 3、They speak to me. Icome across as approachable.(他们和我讲话,我显得平易近人。) Hao86.com
- 4、When sober, he cancome across as an extremely pleasant and charming young man.(在他不醉酒的时候,他给人的印象可能会是一位极其可爱迷人的年轻人。)
- 5、What other common languages have youcome across?(你碰到其他什么共同语言?)
- 6、I am so blessed tocome across you because you make me happy.(我是如此幸运邂逅你,因为你让我感到幸福。)
- 7、I hoped she'dcome across with some more information.(我希望她能再提供更多的信息。)
- 8、Guess what cars you cancome across along this road.(猜猜看什么样的车辆才能穿过这条路。)
- 9、I've justcome across the smell of it, and it's close by here, really quite close.(我刚刚闻到了它的味道,它就在附近,非常近。)
- 10、The biggest advantage is that youcome across various characters in your work.(最大的优点是你会在工作中遇到各种各样的人物。)
- 11、If you visit France today, it is not a surprise to meet street artists in the city orcome across a singer in the subway.(如果你今天去法国,在城市里遇到街头艺术家或在地铁里遇到歌手,这并不奇怪。)
- 12、He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't reallycome across.(他讲了很久,但并没有人真正理解他的意思。)
- 13、I've justcome across a beautiful poem in this book.(我刚在这本书上偶然发现了一首美妙的诗。)
- 14、That‘s the worst wench for asking questions I've evercome across.(这是我见过的问问题最差的姑娘了。)
- 15、Did hecome across as a sane, rational person?(他看上去是不是一个头脑清醒而理智的人?)
- 16、Some people lose heart when theycome across failures while others rise to the challenge.(一些人在面对失败之时灰心丧气而另一些人则迎接这一挑战。)
- 17、This is the worst place I'vecome across.(这是我到过的最糟糕的地方。)
- 18、Have any readerscome across similar instances?(有读者曾经遇到过类似的情况吗?)
- 19、"We have nevercome across anything like the situation," Chris McGuire, sports marketing manager for Adidas soccer, said in a statement.(阿迪达斯足球用品营销经理克里斯·迈克盖尔在一份声明中说:“我们从未遇到过像这种情况。”)
- 20、Perhaps I shallcome across him in France.(也许我会在法国遇见他。)
- 21、Readers oftencome across many punctuational mistakes.(读者经常会遇到许多标点错误。)
- 22、We have allcome across coincidences in our lives.(我们一生中都会遇到巧合。)
- 23、Nurses and other care-givers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when theycome across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing.(当护士和其他护理人员发现病人可能正在面临个人焦虑时,他们需要认识到沉默的潜在意义。)
- 24、If youcome across a wayward chunk of moon, don't try to cash in on it.(如果你遇到一大块形状不规则的月球岩石,不要企图拿它卖钱。)
- 25、Have you evercome across a great, but long, article online?(你可曾在网上看到一篇好看到时很长的文章?)
- 26、Youcome across a cave.(假设你无意中发现一个洞穴。)
- 27、Never have Icome across such a difficult problem.(我还从没有遇到过这样困难的问题。)
- 28、I've nevercome across such an experience in my time.(我一生中从没有经历过这样的事情。)
- 29、They have to be careful not tocome across as disappointed in their child.(他们必须小心,不要让自己的孩子对父母感到失望。)