- 1、I was lying on abench.(我躺在长凳上。)
- 2、Thatbench is very pretty.(那张长凳真好看。)
- 3、There was an emptybench and I sat down.(那里有一张空板凳,我坐了下来。)
- 4、They are singing on thebench.(孩子们正在长椅上唱歌。)
- 5、We sat primly at either end of a longbench.(我们古板地坐在一张长凳的两端。)
- 6、They sit on abench.(他们在长凳上坐下。)
- 7、There is a comfortablebench.(那里有一张舒服的长椅。)
- 8、It can be a parkbench.(它可能是公园里的长凳。)
- 9、One of the men with him gave up his place on thebench.(他的一个同伴让出了长椅上的位子。)
- 10、He was condemned to spend the rest of the football season on thebench.(他无可奈何地只得在这个足球赛季剩下的时间里做替补队员。)
- 11、The runaway car careered into abench, hitting an elderly couple.(那辆失控的轿车疾速撞上了一条长凳,撞了一对老夫妇。)
- 12、Pull the nail out of thebench please.(请把钉子从长凳上拔出来。)
- 13、There are tools beside thebench.(工作台旁边有一些工具。)
- 14、He looked under thebench—no one!(他朝长凳下面看了看——一个人也没有!)
- 15、Before long, squirrel came by thebench.(不久,松鼠经过这个长椅子。)
- 16、Stand on thebench.(站到长凳上。)
- 17、I sat on abench to read.(我在一个长凳上坐下来看书。) hao86.com
- 18、He's hiding under abench.(他躲在长椅的下面。)
- 19、Around the stove abench was placed.(火炉周围放着一条长凳。)
- 20、We're sitting on abench.(我们坐在一个长凳上。)
- 21、Nobody could see thebench.(没人能看到长凳。)
- 22、She put the popcorn all over thebench.(她把爆米花放满在长凳上。)
- 23、Cloud is ourbench.(云是我们的长凳。)
- 24、Sam slouched back and propped his elbows up on thebench behind him.(萨姆懒懒地往后一靠,将他的两胳膊肘撑在了他背后的长凳上。)
- 25、Thebench had a rough wooden table in front of it.(那长椅前有张粗糙的木桌。)
- 26、He sat down on a parkbench.(他在公园的长椅上坐了下来。)
- 27、I walked to hisbench.(我走到他工作台前。)
- 28、My butt cheeks are sore from sitting on thisbench too long.(我屁股痛,因为在长凳上坐得太久了。)
- 29、She approached a young couple holding hands on abench.(她走近一对手拉手坐在长凳上的年轻情侣。)
- 30、Sit down on abench.(在长凳上坐下来。)