- 1、Trogons are generallyinactive.(咬鹃通常不活动。)
- 2、Theinactive SQL is removed after 60 days.(不活动的SQL将在60天之后删除。)
- 3、The volcano has beeninactive for 50 years.(这座火山处于休眠状态50年了。)
- 4、An unconscious emotion it may be, aninactive one, it is not!(它或许是种无意识的情绪,它是会活动的。)
- 5、Note that when the GC isinactive, application utilization is 100%.(注意,如果GC是不活动的,则应用程序的利用率为100%。)
- 6、The police, too, have been woefullyinactive.(警方也一直消极得令人悲伤。)
- 7、By failing to buy insurance, an individual is merelyinactive.(如果不能购买保险,作为个人来说仅仅是工作不活跃。)
- 8、It is not that the EU isinactive.(这并不是说,欧盟不够活跃。)
- 9、Instead, they recommend you simply leave the accountinactive.(相反,它们允许你的账户闲置。)
- 10、What he didn't want to reveal was that his orbital cortex looksinactive.(但他不愿透露的是,他的眶皮质看起来不活跃。) haO86.com
- 11、Publish the information that the plug is nowinactive and disconnected.(发布信息,说明此插头现在没有激活,连接中断。)
- 12、Otherwise, the function is deemedinactive and is replaced.(否则,函数是不活跃的,可以替换。)
- 13、Whenever I've beeninactive for a long time, I becomeinactive in my writing.(每当我在很长一段时间里无所事事,我的写作也变得沉闷无趣。)
- 14、Breakpoints can be temporarily madeinactive by disabling them.(通过禁止可以暂时性地将中断点置于非激活状态。)
- 15、LPAR must beinactive before changing its profile.(在修改配置信息之前必须关闭lpar。)
- 16、Others use swap space for allinactive applications and unused pages.(其他变体则对所有非活动的应用程序和未使用的页面使用交换空间。)
- 17、People addicted to the web often becomeinactive in real life.(沉溺于网络的人在现实生活中通常不活跃。)
- 18、The volcano isinactive.(这座火山已进入休止状态。)
- 19、In the unfertilized egg, the substances areinactive and are not distributed homogeneously.(在未受精卵中,这些物质是不活跃的,而且分布不均匀。)
- 20、Server status: active orinactive.(Serverstatus:active或inactive。)
- 21、A third group are known as crepuscular: they thrive in the low light of dawn and dusk and remaininactive at other hours.(第三组被称为黄昏组:他们在黎明和黄昏的微光中茁壮成长,而在其他时间则不活跃。)
- 22、The simple process allows you to set an e-mail rule record as active orinactive.(简单的方法允许您将一个电子邮件规则记录设置为活动的或者非活动的。)
- 23、Some animals areinactive during the daytime.(有些动物白天不活动。)
- 24、The named program must beinactive.(指定的程序必须处于非活跃状态。)
- 25、Animals tend to be active orinactive depending on the position of the sun or moon.(动物是否活跃取决于太阳或月亮的方位。)
- 26、Theseinactive storage areas are referred to as standby storage areas.(这些不活动的存储区域称作备用存储区域。)
- 27、inactive accounts can also eat up your system resources.(不使用的帐号也会耗光你的系统资源。)
- 28、Disable (makeinactive) a configuration at the load balancer.(禁用(使无效)负载均衡器的配置。)