


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:22:37

  • 1、Each new product would have a relatively long lifecycle.(每一种新产品都会有一个相对较长的使用周期。)
  • 2、Dad, I need to memorize a unit about the reproductivecycle of plants.(爸爸,我需要记住一个关于植物繁殖周期的单元。)
  • 3、Are the outlines of the carboncycle really that familiar?(碳循环的轮廓真的是我们所熟悉的那样子么?)
  • 4、Changes in the eccentricity of Earth's orbit occur in acycle of about 96,000 years.(地球轨道偏心率的变化大约在96000年的一个周期内发生。)
  • 5、Many of the industrialized economies would be pushed into acycle of stagflation.(许多工业化经济将被推入到一个滞胀的循环中。)
  • 6、The cyclists should all have to be made to use thecycle lanes and wear helmets.(骑自行车的人都必须在自行车道行驶,并且要戴上头盔。)
  • 7、We call all of this the land phase of the Phosphoruscycle.(我们把这称为磷循环的陆地阶段。)
  • 8、So begins another phase of thecycle.(这样就开始了循环的另一个阶段。)
  • 9、Thiscycle repeats itself ad infinitum.(这个周期一直循环往复。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、Not all doctors truly understand the reproductivecycle.(并非所有的医生都完全地了解生育周期。)
  • 11、Such areas should also be served by dedicatedcycle routes.(这些地区也应该可由自行车专用路线到达。)
  • 12、cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week.(自行车组织正在为全国自行车周活动作准备。)
  • 13、The government built acycle lane on the road but it is hardly used.(政府在路上建了一条自行车道,但几乎没有人使用。)
  • 14、Thecycle of renewal never ends.(更新的周期永远不会结束。)
  • 15、The average length of a woman's menstrualcycle is 28 days.(妇女的平均月经周期是28天。)
  • 16、Their lifecycle helps man provide himself with a basic food—fish.(鱼类的生命周期使其成为一种人类的基本食物。)
  • 17、A new metro runs under the square, carrying hundreds of thousands who used tocycle to work.(一条新地铁在广场下面运行,载着数以千计过去骑自行车上班的人们。)
  • 18、We need to break the viciouscycle of violence and counterviolence.(我们需要结束暴力和反暴力的恶性循环。)
  • 19、Cheap imports decimated the Britishcycle industry.(廉价进口严重削弱了英国的自行车工业。)
  • 20、We supply the travel ticket for you and yourcycle.(我们为您和您的自行车提供旅行票。)
  • 21、When nutrients are used over and over in the environment, we call that a nutrientcycle.(当营养物质在环境中被反复使用时,我们称之为营养循环。)
  • 22、We went for acycle ride on Sunday.(我们星期天骑自行车去兜风了。)
  • 23、The scientists concluded that the solar wind activity must follow the samecycle.(科学家们得出结论,太阳风的活动必须遵循相同的周期。)
  • 24、It attracts travelers to come over tocycle and walk through the surrounding forests.(它吸引着游客来这里骑自行车和步行穿过周围的森林。)
  • 25、Two factors appear to be generating thecycle: food plants and predators.(产生这种循环的因素有两个:食用植物和食肉动物。)
  • 26、I usuallycycle home through the park.(我通常骑自行车穿过公园回家。)
  • 27、You said that the nitrogencycle is also an important nutrientcycle.(你说了,氮循环也是一个重要的营养循环。)
  • 28、The cyclists should use thecycle lanes and wear helmets and fluorescent jacket at night.(骑自行车的人应该使用自行车道,晚上戴头盔和穿上发荧光的夹克。)
  • 29、Asia's emerging economies will be on a self-sustainingcycle of growth.(亚洲的新兴经济体会出现自我维持的循环增长。)
  • 30、There are a multitude of small, quiet roads tocycle along.(有多条可以骑自行车的僻静小路。)


英 [ˈsaɪkl] 美 [ˈsaɪkəl] 

名词: cycler 过去式: cycled 过去分词: cycled 现在分词: cycling 第三人称单数: cycles


