- 1、Thepilot wisely decided to return to Fresno post-haste.(该飞行员明智地决定尽快返回弗雷斯诺。)
- 2、The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured thepilot.(那些游击队员击落了一架飞机,并俘虏了飞行员。)
- 3、He spent seventeen years as an airlinepilot.(他当了17年的航空公司飞行员。)
- 4、Thepilot managed to bring the plane down in a field.(飞行员设法将飞机降落在一处田里。)
- 5、He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming apilot.(他最终实现了成为了一名飞行员的梦想。)
- 6、How does a privatepilot get access to the airways?(一个私人飞机的飞行员如何获得航线使用权呢?)
- 7、The crash happened seconds after thepilot reported engine trouble.(飞行员报告发动机有故障后几秒钟飞机就坠毁了。)
- 8、He was an RAFpilot.(他是皇家空军飞行员。)
- 9、The accident was caused bypilot error.(这场事故是飞行员的失误造成的。)
- 10、He radioed thepilot to change course.(他用无线电通知飞行员改变航向。)
- 11、They managed to extricate thepilot from the tangled control panel.(他们设法把困在控制盘里的飞行员救了出来。)
- 12、Apilot must remain vigilant at all times.(飞行员必须随时保持警惕。)
- 13、Thepilot tried to land his crippled plane.(飞行员试图驾驶损坏严重的飞机着陆。)
- 14、Someday I'll be apilot.(将来有一天我将成为一名飞行员。)
- 15、Luke sat directly behind thepilot and conversed with him.(卢克坐在飞行员的正后方和他交谈。)
- 16、He used to be apilot but now he has a desk job.(他曾是飞行员,但现在做办公室工作。)
- 17、Thepilot was waiting for clearance for take-off.(飞行员在等待起飞的许可。)
- 18、Thepilot was forced to make an emergency landing.(飞行员被迫紧急着陆。)
- 19、Thepilot landed the plane safely.(飞行员驾驶飞机安全着陆。)
- 20、Thepilot executed a perfect landing.(飞行员完成了一个非常娴熟的着陆动作。)
- 21、Many accidents were due topilot misjudgment.(许多事故都是由于飞行员判断失误造成的。)
- 22、Thepilot made an emergency landing in a field.(飞行员在一片农田里紧急着陆。)
- 23、He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighterpilot.(他生动地描述了他那战斗机飞行员的生活。)
- 24、My co-pilot suddenly grabbed the wheel.(我的副驾驶突然抢过了方向盘。)
- 25、The article implied that thepilot was responsible for the accident.(文章暗指飞行员应对事故负责。)
- 26、Thepilot was able to parachute to safety.(飞行员得以跳伞脱险。)
- 27、He was the very model of the dashing Air Forcepilot.(他当时是英俊潇洒的空军飞行员的典范。)
- 28、Thepilot ejected from the plane and escaped injury.(飞行员从飞机里弹出,没有受伤。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 29、Thepilot was given clearance to land by air traffic control.(飞行员得到空中交通管制站发出的着陆许可。)